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More marbles glowing orange


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2 hours ago, Steph said:

Your red glow might be from manganese.  


There are many chemical components which give UV glow -- cadmium, manganese, selenium, calcium, boron,  etc. -- but I have trouble keeping straight which does which.  


Please see photos of some other marbles that are glowing orange under UV





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The top marble appears to be a game marble.   The second might turn out to be a Peltier Rainbo.  More views are needed for ID-ing marbles.  What happens under blacklight isn't often used for ID.


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x2, agree w/ Steph on the ID's. Every company made UV marbles (glowers) a few are worth a bit of money the rest just, well "Glow" or react to uv. a good portion of Jabo marbles glow and it has no bearing on the value. If you go vintage as in Akro (Lemonade-Limeade-Cherryade, etc) some have quite a bit of $$. Glowing as Steph said, can depend on several chemical additives besides depleted uranium. Please, if you can post multiple views of each marble it would really help in a more concise ID. and value assessment.

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5 minutes ago, Plutonianfire said:



The top marble appears to be a game marble.   The second might turn out to be a Peltier Rainbo.  More views are needed for ID-ing marbles.  


Please see additional photos three marbles with bright orange glow under UV.










Top is a gamming marble, next 2  down are both Peltier Rainbo's, thanx for the extra pix Nate  :thup:

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10 hours ago, schmoozer said:

Iā€™d x4 but that would be worthlessšŸ™ƒ

I say, if you looked at the photos and came up with the ID and wanted to add it to the list and saw the three others had added before you, it's perfectly acceptable to do x4!!  I also think it's fair to look at others assessments of it and decide if you come up with the same ID and either at an alternate or times x4 it.  At least that's how I was encouraged to contribute...-_-

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17 minutes ago, chicagocyclist said:

I say, if you looked at the photos and came up with the ID and wanted to add it to the list and saw the three others had added before you, it's perfectly acceptable to do x4!!  I also think it's fair to look at others assessments of it and decide if you come up with the same ID and either at an alternate or times x4 it.  At least that's how I was encouraged to contribute...-_-


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