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Peltier Superman Marble Giveaway

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5 hours ago, Fire1981 said:

What a load of crap. It’s probably a doctored Vacor Serpent.

I invited comments, and all of them are appreciated and taken in good spirit. Point well taken about things that seem too good to be true.  For the record, this was a legitimate giveaway of a mint Peltier Superman and not a Vacor or doctored marble.

I can see that I didn’t effectively communicate my background prior to jumping into the giveaway.  In this day and age of scams everywhere, it was definitely an oversight.

It’s really too bad, because my reputation is extremely important to me.  After 12 years of marble-collecting, discussing, buying & selling, I made assumptions that I was accepted, if not respected and didn’t recognize that here I am virtually unknown.

Username: Noodleloaf (at multiple forums)

Ebay Username: moon823

This isn’t about building trust for giveaways or product launches.  I’m responding as a private community member here that hopes that those that actually have interacted with me can share their experiences.

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5 hours ago, Noodleloaf said:

my reputation is extremely important to me.

I can respect that and I respect the way that you have replied to some negativity.

You have kept your cool and I for one, appreciate it.



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27 minutes ago, Fire1981 said:

The link threw me off. I thought it was going to be simpler. Like physically drawing a random name out of hat. But that’s just me 🔥

That makes sense, and I don't think it is just you.  FWIW, we opted to purchase RafflePress to run the giveaway - which along with some nice features including random winner selection comes formal stuff like the rules in a legal template and a structure that is not very customizable and I suspect was more of a deterrent than a reassurance.

I regret that the tone was so far off from what it should have been - this was just me and my family doing a "first" for us.  There is certainly a lot we are going to take away and learn from.

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 Just got back to mib land :wave2: Looks like lots of good family time invested in this endeavor,  more computer time than I wish to spend logging mibs but a good idea . Identification  is so harsh if not in hand ...pictures help but can lead to a mess of people thinking they are experts lol.....I believe your intentions are of good nature and I hope this becomes a useful tool in the future...

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1 hour ago, Tommy said:

Looks like lots of good family time invested in this endeavor

Indeed - that's been absolutely the most amazing part of this whole experience and I'm so appreciative of that time together.

And thanks for the encouraging words!  I'm excited for us to consider next steps, and all the feedback will play a part in shaping where it goes from here.  But that's the nice thing about having written the code - there's really no limits to how it can evolve.  

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