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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. I feel sad whenever I look at this marble, because Patry wanted to buy it. I told her when I was ready to sell, it was hers. Anyhow, she ID'd this one for me when I posted it years ago.
  2. Here's a couple Alleys: Here are some that are most likely Alleys and/or Ravenswoods: Can't remember what company people thought made this but it has aventurine: Here are a couple CACs:
  3. The only other green-lavender popeye I've seen is the one I own (shown below), so I think they're pretty unusual. I would expect to pay at least $150 for one in mint condition owing to the rarity of the colors, but then the market is down and maybe I'm living on another planet. The addition of a third color (the yellow) besides the white is also a plus. The other one isn't as uncommon so I'd say not worth much more than the normal green/yellow combination.
  4. VTAndrea

    Cac Pastels

    I'll ask the question others probably have too: how on earth do you tell a CAC pastel from ordinary solid-colored marbles? I know some game marbles have seams, so.....???? Is it by color?
  5. Thanks, David and Sue. This group included all mint marbles except for one and there was even a left twist onionskin. All are around 11/16. Yes, Sue--it actually happens. In my case, about once every 8 or 9 years!! An incomplete solid core. Hmm...I never think of these kinds of accidents but it explains the appearance.
  6. It's been so long since I found any marbles in the wild, I've lost all my photography skills. Hope you can see enough to give an opinion on these 2, part of a group I recently bought from an antiques dealer who actually called me because I'd left him my contact information. I can't figure out what this first one is: a flattened out solid core? Ribbon? It's like a white disk that's pressed up against the interior surface of the marble, but concave, not flat. And it's surrounded by red lattice type swirls. Any thoughts on what to call it? This one looks like an amorphous blob, so I assume it's a cloud type. Right? Both marbles are around 11/16.
  7. Here is a flame/swirl nobody has ever ID'd with any certainty. The colors in the photo are pretty true.
  8. Edna, do the Vitros in the 4th row from the top have any special name? I have a few of them and have no idea what type they are.
  9. I have one of those--what puts it in the citrus category?
  10. A few days ago when I visited the board, I saw the new dual "vintage" and "modern" marble forums and could click on the one I wanted to see. Now I no longer see where to get the option and seem to get only the Jabo postings. I also don't see where Lou put up his thread about having created 2 separate forums. Has something disappeared?
  11. Dakodiak: I've read that the old glass used in handmade marbles can change color when exposed to sunlight over the years. Wonder if this is what happened to yours.
  12. Yes, I have one with some aventurine but it probably wouldn't show up in a photo.
  13. I'm no expert on Jabos, but it kind of reminds me of one.
  14. Probably a stupid question, but are the Czech guineas considered handmade marbles? It's funny that came up, because when I first looked at Carole's pictures, I thought the marble had a guinea-like construction.
  15. Wow, Carole, I haven't seen one like that before. Can you show us the pontils? Is it vintage?
  16. I have a lot of the Vitro "V" style marbles. There's a huge variety in this type. I love this big blue based Vitro with a lavender V.
  17. I consider Jabos about as plentiful as catseyes. There might be a few interesting and more sought after catseyes than the ordinary run of the mill ones, but who among us gets really excited at coming across a jar of them in an antique shop? Not me....Same with Jabos. I for one would welcome a discussion about a wider variety of marbles. Jabos seem to be monopolizing the boards, at least here.
  18. I've seen marbles sold on ebay as "maglite Indians" with a purple base glass and even green glass. Guess it's like all the submarine types--the definition keeps expanding, doesn't it?
  19. I'd call it gorgeous, first of all. I guess it's a submarine Joseph's Coat? Simply beautiful and so colorful.
  20. Speaking of oxblood, I was really happy to see this one go for over $300 at only 9/16". Mine (posted above) is 27/32". http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=120396104537
  21. The Peltier and Alley oxblood tends to be very different from Akro and others in appearance and amount used. Stephanie has probably researched this extensively, but here's my meager contribution to add to your list: MF Christensen (bricks and oxblood slags), Vitro and don't forget the fabulous handmade oxblood slags, which were sometimes called "Leightons".
  22. Yeah, how does one tell the Peltier bananas from the others? Master made them too, right?
  23. That's really interesting, Mike. How long does the "wax" finish last? Does it fill in the rough surface? Did you hand buff it afterward? Details!!
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