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Everything posted by bigtee0

  1. like the egg yolk but whats that one right behind it? pretty color. Marie
  2. didnt know it was your birthday John, happy birthday Dear.
  3. oh my gosh!!! y'all are so nice!! thanks. Hi Rainbo. Louis you are so swell. thanks
  4. even sentimentality doesnt cost that much for those kind. maybe he thinks those two with stripes are sparklers? i dont personally know but next day air is expensive. who needs them that fast anyhow?
  5. i just went back on the squabble board just looking and found some on my old stuff. WOW!!! what an eye opener!!! no wonder hardly anybody likes to talk to me, i was a real jerk. wow have i changed since then. really surprising. never again, really, if i do whup me. lol Marie
  6. this guy has got to be kidding!!! nobody's that stupid, are they?
  7. a person is blessed if he can call a man a friend. you are blessed John, truely blessed.
  8. thats the kind of things that can keep a person going sometimes. good work Duff.
  9. i get carried away sometimes. sorry.
  10. i am with everyone and all thats been said. i will miss him even though i never knew him but i knew how much Edna cared. Sissydear God is with you. Marie
  11. MP always started his marbles at .99 so the "little" guy had a chance and always got in the hundreds for his marbles. Marblealan always starts his at 9.99 and look at the prices he gets. just make sure you know what you're talking about. if you ask that much you better make sure its worth that much. Marie
  12. cripe!!! thats gorgeous. never seen one like it. wow
  13. my husband was in the AF for almost 9 years, got in the end of Korea and beginning of Viet Nam. was an elecrician and worked on the 52's. Fairchild and March. God bless all our service men from all the wars. they're what has kept us free. Marie
  14. no Galen, just look for the dings and you can tell they are Jabo.
  15. i still dont like Jabo's cause they still have dings on them. get rid of the dings and you have a beautiful marble. Marie
  16. Steve, your son and the rest of the Americans are in my prayers. God Jesus and all the Angels are with them. Marie
  17. thanks Steph, wasnt much interest. see ya down the road girl. Marie
  18. we all know that the new run Jabo's are great but what about the older ones before Jabo shut down? i have a bunch and was wondering if there was any change in the price. Marie leaving soon so please hurry ok?
  19. i've got a better story than any of you. i had these two that were so alike you couldnt tell one from the other, like twins. beautiful and i have never seen any like them in 6 years. they were stolen from me..... broke my heart
  20. Anthony, get back to me, i want some of those. ok? Marie
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