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Everything posted by bigtee0

  1. goodbye Scooter Pie, hope you find help soon.
  2. you make such neat marbles Scooter Pie. and your collection is to be envied.
  3. i had 2 absolutely perfectly matched 7-color MK, they were perfect!! stolen from me. it still hurts to think about. i have never seen any more anywhere.
  4. oh Ant. those are major gorgeous.
  5. no Kokomo, they are junk. crackle glass. people do that for effect. probably were Akro .
  6. roflmao, me too Sue. that is really hysterical.
  7. i'm with you Okie, we will never forget. Marie
  8. you got it Lou. we will be kind and loving or they'll deserve Scotts board.lol take care of yourself and get back to us soon. Marie
  9. Mikey, you need to 'get a life'
  10. a WV swirl is any marble you can really id because they so closely resemble others. the workers, machines were in and out and back and forth that they all resemble each other. there fore WV swirl.
  11. how much you want for them? serious. marie
  12. Michael!!! those are the most gorgeous marbles i have ever seen. serious!!!! i cant say it strong enough how beautiful they are. Marie
  13. thats right cockadoodledoo, those are roosters from Mega. i have about 25 of them. lmao Marie
  14. what a wonderful bunch of people. thank so much for helping me and getting outa the blue funk. hopefully you may never have to do it again. love you all.
  15. due to an unexpected response to this post i am flying high. you all have boosted my ego to the top of the mountain and i can now see that i shouldnt let one person dictate my moods or my health. this is so fantastic. no, none of you missed anything, it was somewhere else but the person does speak on this board now and then. who cares. you all are super nice people and i love you all. David, you most of all. i am going to send you an email pretty soon. i do have this problem of people saying anything bad i crawl in a corner and hide but no more. i'll just stand and laugh my butt off. thank you and Praise the Lord. Marie
  16. this is super. wonderful article by a wonderful guy. there are a lot who could take lessons from him. Marie
  17. i have been solidly rejected and am surprised that i didnt understand it before. i'm not wanted so i go. no you'll be sorry stuff, i just go, nobody wants me i cant stand rejection. former friend Marie
  18. what about them? i've gotten about 4/5 and Raelyn sent my ggranddaughter one cause they have the same name. Marie i've got one thats more rare, yellow
  19. Scott Patrick(commonly known as Scooter Pie) and Dave Chamberlin i'd hate to say who Mike has.
  21. how do you get oven brick inside a cane? looks like a sulphide but why in that kind of marble? very mysterious.
  22. when was the last time anyone has heard from the mighty Del Morgan and all his beautiful marbles? Marie
  23. Hey, Hi Bill, long time. how ya been? nice to see ya again. Marie
  24. if you read the newspapers you'll know that God will be taking His children home soon. just believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and we'll all go together. Praise the Lord Marie
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