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Everything posted by bigtee0

  1. Awwww shucks, thanks so much. love y'all to pieces. Marie
  2. you ever gonna change that kids pants?
  3. do you think it will stop them John? i was hoping so.
  4. gee i never thought of calling you that Scooter Pie, a virus. hmmmmmmm makes sense. thats why all the foul language and lies and nonsense coming from you these days. what do you hate so bad Scott? your pain real bad? all that pot you smoked for pain finally destroyed your descency? common Scott, you're to good a marble maker and computer fiddler to let all that junk bother you. i've put up with the pain without the pot. you can too. Marie
  5. you're welcome Mikey. it wasnt nast what you said but that grumpy part we probably share. Scooter is to chicken to let anyone talk back to him. Marie
  6. sometimes there comes a time to shut my mouth. now is not the time. Scott seen fit to ban me before i could make a few things clear to that pup topdog and then had the gall to say some stupid crap himself. must be nice when noone can talk back to ya. even when you said you didnt ban anybody. sure scooter. thanks Mike for half way sticking up for me. ha ha when was i ever nasty to you? although i've been plenty nasty i have tried to change my ways, really. the reason SP doesnt like me is i like callin him Scooter Pie. i think its cute. Lou happens to be a special person to me and i really dont think anyone should say bad things about him. the one thing about mka is the rotten language. there is no need for anyone to hold that kind of crap in their mouth and spue it every once in awhile. that post was going fine until someone got their hackles up, tsk tsk, shouldnt do that; see what happens? Marie Bigtee0 this is who i am and i am 70
  7. i need instruction on how to heat a marble to get some dings out of it. anybody? marie [email protected]
  8. Dear Louis, once we get used to it it will be just fine. just looks more modern. Marie
  9. yes, as a matter of fact i have several of each kind. i really like them. do you have any idea what they're worth? Marie
  10. you wanna know who the real man is? its uncle lou. now he's the real man. bless you louis marie
  11. is this a joke or there is a nike swish? what is it?
  12. hey, Squirt, i like your new avatar. its so cute. another feature of your mibs, the butt-crack on that kind of marble.
  13. Hi Squirt, now thats a neat avatar. thanks sweetie marie
  14. missed the pic. why not ask Skoro? he's always been honest before
  15. bigtee0

    Vitro Confettis

    Raelyn Dalton identified mine.
  16. David, send them to me, i'll sort them out for you. thats a job i dearly love. Marie
  17. the last time i talked to Eddie, Bobbie was his brother.
  18. hey Steph, that is one mean lookin cat. all to cute. lmao
  19. now whats all that about Brian? you can squeeze me, but not that hard. i always need hugs. marie
  20. aw Steve those are gorgeous. thanks for sharing marie
  21. Zig, its Bobbie, Eddie and Bobbie Seese.
  22. "old man" Brian you are not, i'm older than you are. marie
  23. Eddie Seese and he has a brother but i cant recall his name. neat people. marie
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