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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. The studio was hurt. The rest of the structure was not. There is a mountain cabin, very nice, over the studio. It will take some time to recover. No insurance. Buy an Eddie Seese marble. It will help.
  2. I already miss all of you. Got home today a little before 6:00. Griff I need some info for the newsletter. I'm going to work on it tomorrow. Great cheesecake! Thanks for the good times and the food. Can't wait for September.
  3. No, it's been Griffed. That is pixie dust sprinkled by Griff. (colorized mica)
  4. Yes, all made yesterday. We divide them today and head out to Marietta for the WVMCC show. I've found some German antique marbles for my son, some Vitro for me, no contemps yet, but lots of old friends. It's been a fun week.
  5. The name of the Marble Buddies run is "The West Virginians".
  6. I took some pictures in Sammy's workshop with a makeshift gray background and my small camera. They weren't so good and i'm not posting them here. I brought a second group of marbles to the home of Bonnie and David McCullough and using a gray sweater for a background got some great images of the marbles. Here are some incredible marbles. I can hardly wait to have my own marbles and my Nikon to do more pictures.
  7. That's it. The newly named one with the yellowish base is "chick pea". Nola Morgan named it.
  8. Sure looks like Fred Wilganoski
  9. Absolutely not. I'm not selling and i'll be there.
  10. Galen I haven't been to one where people get drunk and raise hell either. I just thought "we like to have a good time" needed a little clarification. Didn't want to scare the newbie off.
  11. The WV show is a good one for a first. People come from Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio. Everybody is helpful, lots of experts. We all like to have a good time and that doesn't meant getting drunk and raising hell. We're all just lovers of marbles and we enjoy each other's company.
  12. We do have a fun group! I'm already getting my stuff together. I never understood why Weldon was so not into leaving on a trip around the first of the month. That couldn't possibly be a problem. Ha Ha! The joke is on me. Now that I have to gather up the bills and write checks, I get it! Have to pay the bills before I leave and they don't all come before I leave. I guess they will wait until I get back.
  13. Change of plan. I'm not flying. Bobby and I will be driving "Scotty". think we'll arrive on Saturday before the marble run.
  14. Nice pinks! I buy those. I'm not buying right now. Too much money invested in fixing my eyes. (cataracts) Nothing serious, just expensive.
  15. Call Marble King in Paden City, WV. Also she's on Facebook. You could send her a message.
  16. Thanks Mike. Griff sometimes calls it pixie dust. He used several colors in this run and what you posted helps me understand it better.
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