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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. I've got every color but gray. You sure they're gray? I've never seen gray ones,
  2. When my computer went down, I lost my link to Anthony's board for JABO posting. Could someone please post a link to it here?
  3. I forgot about L.E. Smith in Pennsylvania. They are out of business too.
  4. When Imperiall went out of business their molds were sold. It's possible that it's an Imperial mold and made by some one else. L. G. Wright owned some of the molds for a while. Dalzel-Viking did too and also Mosser Glass in Cambridge, Ohio.
  5. That is definitely an Imperial Glass pattern. Strange that it isn't marked. They were one of the first to mark their products. I'd be looking for a capital I surrounded with a "G".
  6. The bags and headers were old in that warehouse. I've never seen headers that weren't big enough for the old polybags except those the Hardy'sl recovered in that warehouse. By the way, the marbles they recovered were old too. And they bagged them.
  7. The headers don't look the right size for the bags. Could they be some that the hardy's bagged up from their purchase of the warehouse of marbles in Pennsboro? I bought some bags from them in the 1990's that look like that. There were headers and bags galore in that storage place and the hardy's packaged up a bunch. A lot of them were Champion marbles.
  8. That kaleidoscope looks like one I have made by Jerry Park. Except he made the marble that was put into it. I guess the style is probably not unique to each maker, but it sure looks like mine.
  9. Please check your messages. Help needed. Edna
  10. Duffy, please email me. When my computer went down, I lost your email.
  11. Don't say anything you can't prove. You might be called a liar.
  12. I have one of the white with black spots, bigger than 3/4 inch. I've never seen the brown ones before. Thanks!
  13. The pudding is very popular in the British Isles.
  14. Thanks for the help. I've added the info.
  15. Are ther no Okies on here? I'm trying to plug your show in the Texas newsletter and I don't even know the dates. Please help if you know.
  16. I need info on the Tulsa Marble Show. Edna
  17. Top row, second from the right side looks to me like a Sammy Hogue guinea made with Fenton Burmese glass. I'll post a pic of mine for you.
  18. Come on over! I have an oxblood marble for you.
  19. Tell Nola she looks like a pro. I love it. Edna
  20. Happy Birthday! Hope to see you soon. And many, many more.
  21. Glad you cleared that up. I couldn't get "Buddy" out of that sig.
  22. The story goes that Champion Agate's glass furnaces were scraped, and the resulting residue was made into these marbles. Unfortunately, as noted, the glass tends to fracture, and examples with no fractures are rare." David , Is this the statement that you are referring to? This is the myth. See Ron Shepherds and David McCullough's statements in Al's posts. That and what I posted about the myth is the truth. Please don't help to proliferate this myth. It was Wissmach glass, not furnace scrapings that went into those marbles.
  23. JABO used cullet to make marbles. i never heard David call them cullet marbles. I'm with Leroy on this. When people make marbles by rounding out pieces of cullet, I call them cullet marbles. i have one made from Fenton Burmese glass cullet by Timmy Walden.
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