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Everything posted by Bo44

  1. Bill, not to argue, but I would have that with my Masters. KILLER marble !! I do not see an "eye" and the colors appear more Master to me than Akro. Personally, I would pay a LOT more for that marble than just about any sparkler I have seen. Man what a marble!!!!!
  2. adding more 360 color machine made pics.
  3. Ms.Edna, Do I have these labeled correctly? I'm pretty sure about the Vitro's that match your's and the MK and Akro. I am not sure at all about the other 3 Got any help? Maybe Ron can Id them when he see's the color's Thanks, Bo Really had to play with the lighting and colors to get these to show correctly
  4. I have had this one awhile. Thought I would post a few pics. I'm interested if any has one similiar. I know Roger Hardy has one ALMOST identical (Of course, Roger has 1 or 2 of almost EVERYTHING Akro ever produced.) LOL!!! If you have never had the pleasure of seeing the Hardy's collection, PLEASE Take the time to visit their store. It is MOST impressive!!!
  5. Congratulations!!!! You have earned it. (I hope to be able to do the sme one of these days)
  6. All this from one question 3 or 4 years ago. Who'd a thunk it ? Regardless, glad it happenned. WTG bud!
  7. No Steph you are not correct. That is why I posted, so the people who do NOT know CAN know what is correct. There is NO similarity between a "pontil" and a "punty". One is glass, the other is steel. I do not post to argue (ask Sue), but since you want to continue to press your point..... ONCE AGAIN, YOUR WRONG !!!!!
  8. we sent gifts..... hehehe, a pizza box LOL!!! Sue made sure he had his own personalized bag so what do you think was in the pizza box? We spent hours and hours, days upon days searching high and low for the perfect gits for that ol dirty dawg and you know, we just never did find any. So, we sent him these.... everything from a hand carved wooden one to prepackaged with holes in them (making them easier to keep together) to STEEL ones, even computer mouse marbles. and an eyeball to watch over the whole group LOL!!!!! a HUGE Yellow slag. WELL over 2 inches. MINT and bounces about 4 to 5 feet high if you throw it hard enough. hahahaha yeah, we were a little tacky. Then again, we aren't called dawgs for nothin. LOL!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEROY !!!!!
  9. Happy Birthday Mr. Leroy Johnson !!! (Aptly named by Roany Pony no less) LOL!!! Here's hoping you have a GREAT birthday celebration. Dirty dawg # 2 (3-rp,4-tt & 5-sc have been notified) hehehe
  10. Charles, my first inclination was, it's a newbie due to the slag style used in the making of the marble. Not very much technique showing there. However, knowing how easy it is to burn goldstone, and there is LOTS of it very close to the surface on this marble, my gut feeling is, "this ain't no newbie". Whomever made this marble is using a scribe or a dremel to "etch" their initials into the glass. NO signature chip. The pink/rosy color should be screaming a name @ me because it is just not that common a color being used. With all that said, I have helped about as much as Stephanie, as I still do not know who signed it. Miss Edna would be more likely to id than just about anyone else I can think of.
  11. Thanks for the GREAT pictures Dani !!!! As usual, your pictures "tell the tale"
  12. This reminds me of a time about 10 or so years ago I was helping a guy & his wife at a flea market and he always had marbles for sale. One day a guy comes by and says "I have 15, maybe 20 quart jars at home all full of marbles" Naturally the guy I'm helping says, well, bring them on by if your interested in selling them. Guy walks off and both of us thought oh well........ 2 hours later here comes the guy back, pulling a little wagon LOADED with quart jars and they are FULL of marbles. We both shuddered with each bounce that wagon took getting to us. He was busy sellng a couple of guys some other stuff so he tells me to go ahead and go through them. After 23 jars dumped into a card board box and I went through each marble in every jar, I found less than a dozen either of us would want to buy due to the amount of damage on the rest of the entire batch. The dozen or so I found certainly were not mint. Not even close, but.... They had "some" collectible value left in them. About $30 for the whole bunch of them. Regardless, there was this one marble, actually, there was this one "piece" of a marble I just had to have. It was about 3/4 of "A" marble and there was enough of it left to know it was a one inch marble and it was a spot on match to a Peltier sunset. Now, having collected a few Peltiers I thought I had seen most if not all of the patterns and sizes before but I had never seen a Peltier sunest that was one inch. I kept that piece of marble and started hunting and have since found 3 one inch Peltier sunset's. I would have never even thought of there actually being one if I had not had the opportunity to go through that batch of marbles. Truth is, there is a LOT of marbles we as collectors are just now finding because not too many were made and the employees took most of them home for family or friends and they never made it into boxes or bags sold and as these folks die off, their colletions are becoming more and more available to the public and we the collectors are the ones driving the prices up because we just have to have one of a kinds, never seen before, not in any book, etc. type of marbles. Bottom line on THIS particular marble, I FULLY agree with Scott. It just ain't happenin. No way on GOD's green earth is this a CAC. Let me put my 50 power scope on it and I promise you I can show you the air bubbles from the torch !!! The glass don't lie !!!
  13. I have several marble stamps, over 15 different countries anyway. The list is over 35 countries. I think Craig Snider (Spara50) has a few more than I do. I'm sure Mac Scott is right in there with both of us, however,..... I would bet Steve & Yvette Parker have them all except maybe 1 and they may even have it by now.
  14. I believe Mordiskul is correct. Without having them in hand, I can not say with ANY certainty, however, at this time I would not bet against a Vitro (or 3) in that lot. Here's a hint, anything in this style that is stringy purple. Bet on Vitro. Master's in that stringy purple tend to have lots more color than just the purple & clear. Then again, they are all JUST marbles. Does it really matter WHO made them? Let's just enjoy the marbles. Bo
  15. WOW!!!!! Sorry, cant figure out how to make the text about the size of california....
  16. if I remember right, your words were..... (and I quote from memory) "I'll send it to you on loan so you can prove to folks that Akro did have aventurine since you go to more shows than I do" I never have considered it mine, but I still like to show it off. LOL!!!!
  17. Just wanted to let ya know that todays your birthday in case you forgot. LOL!!!!! Bo
  18. I still have that marble Leroy however, it wasn't black aventurine, but green aventurine. That marble is solid green aventurine with a yellow snake on the surface. Undoubatable proof that Akro did in fact make aventurine due to the snake on the surface. Any time you'd like it back, just let me know and it'll be in the mail to you the next day my friend. I know I have enjoyed showing it off @ a lot of marble shows around the country. Bo
  19. I have collected many examples of marbles with black aventurine. Peltiers are the ONLY examples I have that have the aventurine "IN" the glass. The Akro's, Alley's, Vitro's, Jackson's and other unidentified samples all have the black aventurine "ON" the surface of the glass. I think MIGBAR is VERY correct in that it is not a glass formula (per say), but rather a happenstance of how that particular glass cools and heats to get the crystal's just so. I do have a piece of black aventurine that I got form one of todays glass makers who acquired it from an over seas source and everytime (so far) that it has been added to any other glass, it has burned out. The black goes to clear. They have tried it with numerous other glass and it jus does not have the capability (that we can find so far) to be used as aventurine. Bo
  20. Bill, here is an item I have used previously that I really liked because it comes out very evenly. You have your choice of several color's. Woodworker's supply.com "mini flocker" I would caution you use a large plastic bag to place your piece in after you spray it so all of the fibers will be contained and can be re-used that do not adhere to the piece the 1st time. LOTS less mess we found after a few messy trials. LOL!!! Another thing we did was to place a piece pf tape over the entire area to be sprayed and then cut out just the holes, letting the spray get into them and not the flat surface of the face we were working with. Now that I think about it, a 2 tone spray job might look pretty good in fact. Holes one color, the face another color. hhhhhmmmmm..................... might have to give that one some more thought. Bo
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