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Everything posted by marbledave

  1. Sounds great, I will be there for the show.
  2. Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting some new ones! I will be there on Friday, see you then.
  3. Sure Griff, I could have LOL.... Happy New Year!!!
  4. 1/1/2011, the year is off to a good start!
  5. I will be arriving on friday and will be setting up that evening, look for me and Jim Fairneny.
  6. Just wondering who is going to the Marble Show in Massachusetts?
  7. I am curious as to how the traffic was at the show. Were people buying selling and trading? Was attendence up or down? What types of marbles have the most interest at the present time?
  8. Those are some nice finds. Looks like good hunting. Nice variety!!! Congrats
  9. Wow Griff, Thems are some nice akro's .... CONGRATS. You hit a great auction. The ones I hit just seem to have people with deep pockets for average marbles.
  10. That is truly and amazing find. It would be fun to go to the P.O. box to get that, heck I would sleep there to be the first one in to get that lot. Those CAC would be a once in a lifetime for me. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!
  11. I was fortunate to know Paul and to have purchased some great marbles from him. He had a great eye and was a pleasure to speak with. Paul was very knowledgeable about marbles and it was always interesting to see what he had. He will be missed.
  12. Sue, I am glad I was able to help with the auction! Bert does so much for the hobby so it was nice to help him out.
  13. The NE Marble Show was great! It was so nice to see old friends and make new ones, I could not begin to name names in fear I would leave someone out. Room trading was brisk fri eve. and sat. after the auction. Bert and Rosalie out did themselves with the luncheon on Sat, It was excellent. Such a nice generous jesture to the people of the marble community. The auction was well attended. The Show itself was active with alot of quality marbles changing hands. I had a fantastic time and lookforward to going back again next year.
  14. I plan on rolling in on Friday. I look forward to seeing alot of old friends.
  15. Fantastic Report on the Show! How was the attendance? How was the buying and selling? What were people buying?
  16. 'mibcapper' - That blue in the "Sunset" threw me. All the sunsets that I have seen have white, clear, red, and the air bubbles. That blue is sure striking!!!
  17. Those machine mades are pretty. What are they called? What sizes do they come in? Vitro?
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