If each drawer has individual spacers that are curved and would protect each marble than I would jump on it. If you did not buy it I sure would be interested in it to storeGreg small hand mades. Greg
I would be interested in what it did under a black light? I agree with the odd pontil remark . I have been collecting from the early 1970's and like mostly the early handmades. I have not seen this type of pontil till the Belgium and the California sulphides showed up.
I found a 23/32"+ that I think your looking for. IT is preaty shinny but has a small looking blow hole or it might be called a pop out? give me a call if your interested and I can describe it better.Greg phone 509-362-2544.I am not any good at photos or sending phone photos
An old marble like yours has a lot of history with each scratch. I like to wonder at all the games that were played with this giant slag, and personally would not buff this one. Greg