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Everything posted by RunnersDad

  1. Those are incredible Galen, thanks for sharing.
  2. Nice Marble Roger! Great size for a Peach slag!
  3. The "7-color Corkscrew" looks terrible. Doesn't even come close to passing as an Akro.
  4. Wow, I have never seen a White base that large. Black base, clear base, etc...but never white. Incredible find!
  5. It measures 5/8" and you can see the distinct seam as well as distinct ribbons. Thanks!
  6. Something looks really off about it. Couldn't confirm one way or another as to weather or not it has been torched, but it looks messed with in some way.
  7. What do you qualify this Vitro as? Same Blue base, but has the conqueror Patch/Ribbon pattern?
  8. The colored base conquerors are much harder to find but the name is definitely playing off CAC as Galen stated above.
  9. That is one helluva a marble Dani!!
  10. That's beyond a great find Galen...that's just ridiculous!
  11. Beautiful Foreign Sparklers Winnie!
  12. Holy Cow Galen...you didn't find all of those in the wild...did you?!
  13. Hey guys, I added more items to my Ebay listings. If anyone is interested in something there is some room for negotiation on most items. You can contact me through the forum or via Ebay, whatever works for you!
  14. That's a pattern that you don't see too often. I would also agree that Joseph's Coat would be the best classification for this marble.
  15. I have also seen a Yellow 125 box. Sounds like there is at least 3 different color variations of the box, all of which are hard to find IMHO. It's just not one that you see too often. Galen, I agree with you that this particular bag is not an Akro bag.
  16. Hey guys, thanks for the look and I will certainly answer your questions. I got the box locally, Missouri. Older gentleman was clearing out his home via a living estate sale and sold this too me. Definitely not from Maine! In hand the box is definitely legitimate, I got several bags from the older gentleman so the bag, albeit in great shape, might not be original to the box and one of the others that came with it might be(bags are hard for me to ID). The Snakes came in the sale(not in the box) but he insisted that they were the marbles that were in the box when his brother got it. Memories fade over time and the only other example of this box I have seen had 2 colored corks if I remember correctly. To sum up, the box is definitely real, and in great condition. The contents might not be completely original but based on the conversation I had with him the snakes may or may not have been originally with the box.
  17. Hey Guys, I have some emergency expenses that I need to take care of so I am liquidating a large portion of my Akro and Jabo collection. I will have more up later this evening. I would prefer to sell through the board but if you prefer to use Ebay that is fine with me as it doesn't hurt to add to the feedback totals. I might be willing to budge slightly on some while I feel that other lots are priced more than fairly. Here is a link to my items for sale: http://www.ebay.com/sch/runnerman18/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686 If you have any questions please ask. Thanks! Mike
  18. Great marbles guys, I love picture shows!
  19. I hope that all of you have a very Merry Christmas!
  20. Great score! Finds like that are becoming more rare by the day!
  21. Great story Scoop, glad you were finally able to make it happen!
  22. Rich, you should also know that Alox did at one time purchase marbles from other manufacturers to backfill some of their bags and boxes. They didn't begin production until a few years after they started selling marbles. They decided that it would be more cost effective to make them in house versus buying them from other companies. As of right now I don't believe any of the original purchase orders have been located, but I am sure they are out there. Alox made some pretty marbles, but stuck to mostly transparent swirls and some larger sparkler types.
  23. I have been watching this auction as well. I think that it is a no doubter Jabo. Colors and size are both strong indicators.
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