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Everything posted by greg11

  1. yeah definitely. Very nice one craig. Check out the road and tunnel green slag in morphys auction along with the story. I'm wondering who made that large purple I sold you now.
  2. nice selection this time around http://auctions.morphyauctions.com/catalog.aspx?auctionid=317
  3. I will buy those clear slags from you if you decide to part with them
  4. coming soon to an antique mall near you
  5. what a beauty lol https://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-M-F-CHRISTENSEN-ELECTIC-CLEAR-HORIZONTAL-SLAG-MARBLE-55-64-INCH/272935529375?hash=item3f8c39ab9f:g:boQAAOSwy~BaDIuD
  6. I miss the auctions even though it got to the point where he was bringing real high prices on just about everything. I hated to see how he went out, cancer is horrible.
  7. 439 Marbles vintage Hand made , Boulders , Mineral Agate style US $2,034.52 +$12.50 shipping [ 56 bids ] https://www.ebay.com/itm/439-Marbles-vintage-Hand-made-Boulders-Mineral-Agate-style-/122772263808?hash=item1c95cc1380%3Ag%3AisoAAOSwU1FZ77CA&nma=true&si=3awKxJDdiockFn4poFlGfRPPav4%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 SOLD Oct 29, 2017 422 Marbles vintage Hand made , Boulders , Mineral Agate style Look close at the pictures to see all the very unusual hand made marbles. They are Beautiful. Look at the big unusual Boulders. Beautiful mineral agate style. This is a beautiful collection all by itself. $2,013.00 74 bids $12.50 shipping Ending Oct 29 at 7:30PM PDTEnded View similar active items Oct 29, 2017 Sell one like this SOLD Oct 29, 2017 447 Marbles vintage Hand made , Boulders , Mineral Agate style Look close at the pictures to see all the very unusual hand made marbles. They are Beautiful. Look at the big unusual Boulders. Beautiful mineral agate style. This is a beautiful collection all by itself. $1,914.64 63 bids $12.50 shipping Ending Oct 29 at 7:45PM PDTEnded View similar active items Oct 29, 2017 Sell one like this SOLD Oct 29, 2017 431 Marbles vintage Hand made , Boulders , Mineral Agate style Look close at the pictures to see all the very unusual hand made marbles. They are Beautiful. Look at the big unusual Boulders. Beautiful mineral agate style. This is a beautiful collection all by itself. $1,760.87 74 bids $12.50 shipping Ending Oct 29 at 7:35PM PDTEnded View similar active items Oct 29, 2017 Sell one like this SOLD Oct 3, 2017
  8. I hate to say this but I think I sold most of my collection prematurely but just in the nick of time... The hobby is as dead as I have even seen it, lord help us remaining few collectors. The song remains the same...
  9. 10,20,30 % higher than the same marble in same condition but in common colors would be my best guess. I would say its more like 10% if you are lucky. Marbles seem to have really taken a nose dive and not many are being sold for some reason.
  10. Awesome video, I saw those nub marbles for sale on marks site, I should have grabbed a few
  11. I used to collect odd ball latts, solid core and divided core, usually the English colors , some real beautiful marbles out there
  12. Those are stunning , absolute master pieces.
  13. Are you sure this is one of the original road and tunnel slags? I've seen a couple modern red slags in this size at shows. Not many, but they are out there. I don't recall the same nice pattern. I also thought the road and tunnel slags were made partially by machine.
  14. I would love to own a set where have all the good marbles gone? So many Jabos on eBay
  15. Oh man that peltier box is nice
  16. Love those melon balls I really like the mark Matthews gumballs as well, at one point I had a dozen or so but couldn't keep it going so I sold them.. I remember those emails from marble bert.. Hey friend, I got new Matthews in stock....
  17. Some realized prices on Ebay. Ebay in general has been real dry this summer, I guess everyone is hanging onto their marbles 999.00 45 bids 842.00 18 bids 709.00 25 bids 660.00 11 bids 760.00 11 bids 381.00 11 bids WTF ?
  18. Clam, it's got a hit, 40 bucks, if mint 120
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