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Everything posted by greg11

  1. I'm not going to call out names but since when did some Ebay sellers start charging $8.99 to ship a marble. USPS rates have really gone through the roof
  2. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/32-Antique-Handmade-Onionskin-Josephs-Coat-Coreless-Marbles-Solitare-Board-/191968593902?nav=SEARCH
  3. wish I had the $ for this one.. its a buy it now on ebay!!
  4. Yeah Tom Reed, marble collecting ambassador. haha
  5. Vintage Marble Akro Agate RED WHITE &BLUE POPEYE 5/8" WET MINT http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Marble-Akro-Agate-RED-WHITE-BLUE-POPEYE-5-8-WET-MINT-/291852546065?hash=item43f3c47011:g:BggAAOSwIgNXulwO and its got 3 bids LOL
  6. these are cool marbles. pic is blurry but I found a translucent yellow and a opaque solid yellow color.
  7. Christensen Guinea found at local estate sale
  8. Many on eBay have poor detail
  9. Thanks Jeff for the 15 mint 3/4 tri color corks!
  10. good info and thank you. You are right, anyone could put together this set in 15 minutes at a marble show minus the shooters.
  11. http://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-AKRO-AGATES-NO-250-STAINED-GLASS-BOX-W-MARBLES-BAG-FLOURECENT-MOSS-/152180157632?hash=item236ea4ecc0:g:rpAAAOSwdzVXlWTT
  12. ok, Bob lowers the valuation. I agree, you can have the box, the board is cool.. neat green color. the marbles are really nice examples and it would take a long time to collect all of them.. I'm in for $700
  13. im guessing $1600 but I could see it going for more, its a really nice example
  14. Part of Marblealan's remaining collection. How high do you think this one will go, its stunning
  15. Trade this 15/16 for your 3/4 +/- cork This cork is mint, trade for smaller in same condition, trying to fill box Anyone have similar corks for sale? 3/4 +/- in size mint, also looking for same in lifesaver/parrot
  16. Let's not forget all those who lost their lives, and all those who lost limbs and minds fighting in the heat of Vietnam while this guy played games and changed his name and religion to Islam.... It was 1967, he was convicted and didn't serve his country.
  17. simple and stunning, never seen an orange and white alternating cage like this one.
  18. got a nice big swirl for sale, I just listed it with a buy it now price http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/252414504254 Also have some larger mica's and some larger swirls coming up
  19. Wow stunning pics, would love to have that Emma on red patch
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