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Everything posted by JerryG

  1. You could be right. Somewhere in the back of my mind there is the notion that the amber was a repro. Still love to know who made them. Thanks.
  2. My favorite Contemporary - Signed PDS(?) 01
  3. I can't find any information on these two. Anybody have any ideas?
  4. There ain't no way. Too many possibilities. Ignoring fantasy, the top row of marbles in my MFC/CAC display dome are 6 that I'd need to be eating cat food before I'd sell. Can't Choose... Can't Choose... Can't Choose...
  5. JerryG


    Seams seem to point to Master. Interesting marble. Blue is full of sand and not much else except for that chunk of furnace brick. Side opposite blue is mostly clear with streaky white filaments. Guesses?
  6. Yeah... I finally figured it out. I tend to use the same name wherever I go. I've been jerryg on more systems than I'd care to think about (sometime prior to 1985). Was the same on ebay until the account was hacked and had ebay shut it down.
  7. Darn it.... You guys need to keep the same names across forums. How can I know who I'm talking to without looking foolish...
  8. So Steph says I should post this over here... 13/16" and near mint+ . Consensus is that it's Veiligglas.
  9. Anybody want to take a shot at this? AAM says it's probably European (or maybe Jabo - I don't think so). Winnie on LandOfMarbles thinks it's European and Veiligglas. I started out thinking it might be Champion from a set on ebay that had the same color combinations. 13/16"
  10. JerryG


    A few more years and the Tammy Fae will go right over folks heads. I'm old enough to have seen both Jim and Tammy preachin' the word on T.V. Even a bit of tear streaked mascara. Need to go through my corks. I seem to remember a couple of eyelashes.
  11. Three pieces of silver mounted marble jewelry by Larry Castle: Akro Lemonade Oxblood - This really glows under black light. Akro Tricolor cork Akro PeeWee Sparkler - Side One Akro PeeWee Sparkler - Side Two Larry Castle's Hallmark - Every piece I have has this stamped on the piece
  12. Back when I was actively collecting I bid and won a few half-marble silver mounted pendants made by the late Larry Castle (marble maker and book author). They were a gift for my best friend and she still has them. She is bringing them over today and I'll get some photos and post later.
  13. JerryG

    C A Cs, Anyone?

    Well, Galen puts up the top of the line and I put up the average. Including a CAC football.
  14. This one is Mint-. 10/16" diameter. I really like the colors. I'm guessing Peltier.
  15. I'm spreading the love around. Already posted this on AAM. Wet mint. 15/16" diameter. A very pretty marble. I was thinking it was maybe Jabo, but I've gotten Alley and Champion so far.
  16. I struggle to get decent photographs. I've got a decent DSLR (Canon EOS Rebel T3), but I have a hell of a time getting marbles lit up decently and the three really bright lights I have (two flourescent and a halogen) have different colors. My Maglite Mini gives me good colors, but it ain't easy holding a flashlight in one hand and shooting with the other. I need to find a third-hand and maybe a mini tripod. Marble base is a very soft lavender/blue and the swirls are definitely blue. It's really hard to show the metallic swirl without getting a reflection from the lights.
  17. I think this may be a Champion Metallic Swirl. The silvery swirl continues with the blue swirl over the surface of the marble.
  18. Doing a bit of research on the last one. No real info yet, but it's probably 'Uranium Glass', not Vaseline. Wrong color. Vaseline kinda looks like it's namesake. I've always called it Vaseline, but apparently that seems to be limited to the U.S. and is not universal. Really contains Uranium usually in oxide diuranate form.
  19. Too many years ago, before I had to quit collecting, along with marbles I collected EAPG (Early American Pressed Glass). Mostly creamers, but a few other things tick my fancy. I recently pulled a bunch of boxes out of storage and a couple had my EAPG. Most are clear glass and I really don't have room to display them all, so most will stay in storage. Except for a few. First two are Greentown Glass Chocolate Glass creamers. The company was in business from 1894 until 1903 when the factory burned down. First creamer pattern is called 'Shuttle' and is mint. Second creamer pattern is 'Cactus' which unfortunately is missing a piece of glass directly over the handle. Not obvious, but definitely not mint. Third is a Vaseline leaf pattern bowl that I have no information on, other than I only collected late 1800/early 1900 EAPG. But man... Does it light up under black light.
  20. Thanks Steph. I've come the conclusion that the bottom left is probably a Comet or Meteor. To me it looks like green opaque base and wispy translucent red patch. The other two don't photograph well, but under a bright flashlight they really look like onionskins. The bottom right one in particulary has multi-colored strands running around the 306 degrees of the marble. The top right also has strands around the whole marble, but except for the surface colors are kind of mono-color. I'll play around with lights and see if I can get some better photos.
  21. I'm spreading the love. I've already posted this on Land of Marbles and All About Marbles, but a few more eyes can't hurt. So... I've been reading Bob Block's ID book and researching online and everyone says that Sunbursts have a clear base with filaments and strands of color running pole to pole. Every one in my Master Marble box seems to meet this definition (shine a flashlight through them), except these three. All three either have an opaque base or the filaments and strands are so packed that it appears opaque. Are these Sunbursts and if not what?
  22. JerryG


    Very pretty Master Marble Sunburst.
  23. Well... Whether is a "Parrot" or not, I like my pretty little marble. Doesn't deserve to spend it's life in a plastic bag.
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