Initially described as a Transitional, seller contacted me and said she came to believe it was Bulgarian and I could cancel the buy. I wanted to see it in hand and she offered to take it back if I'd pay return postage. It's a very pretty mib. Just under 15/16 (29/32). Very rough pontil - third photo. Comments welcome.
Took this photo for another forum, but thought I should post it here also. Four early Peltier NLR swirls. All just under 7/8. Little Superboy is just under 5/8 for comparison. A Spiderman, a wannabe Flaming Dragon, a Rebel and a Ketchup and Mustard.
Late to the party. Your Blue Sky is in fact a Blue Sky and I'm pretty certain your Coral is an Alley Coral. Transparent base or opaque?
This matched set of Ravens I acquired more than 15 years ago. Fourth and Sixth columns are the most common brown-based Blue and Green swirls. The second column seems to be much harder to find.
Back in the first part of January, I posted an Alley grey and white flame. I thought it was pretty unusual and didn't expect to find a twin for some while. Two days ago another came into my possession. First one on the left and new one on the right. And this is *not* a black and white photo.
This showed up in the mail today. Described as a Czech Purple/Yellow Guinea. Transparent purplish/pinkish base and yellow ribbons. Pretty obvious bullet mold. Kind of small at 17/32.
Hmm?? Never backlit the blue one before, but it does appear to have blue glass mixed with clear. Unfortunately I won't be making Canton this year - or probably any year.