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Everything posted by JerryG

  1. Pretty Peltiers. I'm really liking the colors
  2. I agree with Bob. The forum isn't as busy as AAM, but I think there's enough interest to hang on. Over on LOM, we get more spam than forum postings, but Pete hangs on.
  3. Finally finished a box of 25 Peltier MCS. Actually not really finished. First three in top row are actually Raiinbos and not Swirls.
  4. Box of Peltiers. Started out as a box of mixed colors MCS and MCR. Fell in love with the blue/yellow/white combination and decided to try to fill up this 25 space box. Box is full, but they aren't all MCS yet. 5 or 6 MCR still need to be replaced. A pretty box anyway.
  5. You've got to realize that during the 50's and early 60's millions of Cat Eyes were produced, by both American manufacturers and Japanese manufacturers. Clear glass almost certainly means American made. Nearly all the Japanese marbles used recycled glass for the base which resulted in a transparent green base. Unless there is something that stands out, cats are really hard to ID. I'd venture a *guess* that this one may be Marble King. But that's just a guess. Sometimes though you find types that are easy to ID. These are all Vitro hybrids. Very collectible.
  6. Duh!! I was trying to figure out some complicated way and it's this simple. Thanks Galen.
  7. Ok. So how do flip flops happen? Base glass coming from main furnace. Ribbons on smaller side furnaces. Glass is sheared off and drops onto rollers. But, that means that ribbons should match up and obviously they don't always do. So what happens? I've been thinking about it, but still haven't come up with a a good solution. Ideas?
  8. I've got bags of generic Peltier Tri-colors. The majority seem to be flip flops
  9. Known... ?? This is the result of my super ID skills I'm pretty sure that the top three are CAC. Bottom three are Alley. I've deliberately not shown transparent based Alleys. Give me your best/worst. http://www.gaiser.org/AlleyCACGroup.jpg Hmm?? Is the photo not showing? I guess click on the link. Sigh.
  10. I really don't know. When I started collecting them 10+ years ago they were Champion, Alley and CAC. I thought there was a growing consensus that Champion didn't make them after all. I still see ebay auctions with Champion Corals, so
  11. Spent some time this afternoon separating my Coral collection into Alley and not-Alley (CAC). I think I've got it. I'm sure of the first two rows being Alley. Mostly sure about the third and I *think* I've got the CACs separated. All opaque base and the swirls say CAC to me. Comments??
  12. Somewhere in storage I've got at least one VHS video of Running Rabbit auctions. I came across them/it while I was searching for missing stored marbles. I'll have to dig back in and see if I can find it.
  13. Not oxblood, but same type of ribbons and a deep blue transparent base. Sold as Foreign.
  14. I don't collect many Ravenswoods any more. I've got a pretty good collection and it takes something special to catch my eye. This one caught my eye.
  15. Marble Shows.... I've made exactly one since I started collecting. The Seattle Show sometime in the late 90's (I drove up in my 97 Chevy Pickup). It's only a bit over 200 miles away and I really wanted to go this year, but I'm driving a nearly 20 year old sedan and I really didn't want to chance a 400 mile road trip. Maybe next year.
  16. Where in Oregon? I'm about 26 miles west of Portland in the foothills of the Coast Range. Congratulations on retirement. Finally retired myself completely two years ago this past July. Retirement is good.
  17. A pair of Peltier Multicolor Swirls with Oxblood.
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