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Everything posted by JerryG

  1. So, what makes a green fizz a green fizz? I've got two marbles with this colored base (I call it Antifreeze). Neither as bubbly, though both have bubbles. One has orange and white ribbons and the other has yellow ribbons. Try to post some pictures later today.
  2. Indeed some great photos. Here's my latest. Multi-color banded Whitie.
  3. Peltier Ruby Slipper Peltier Cherry Bomb
  4. I don't know if I'd call mine truly translucent, but it's not truly transparent either. Somewhere in between.
  5. This is what I learned to term as a Snake
  6. My latest. Peltier Fruit Cocktail
  7. More annealing fractures. This poor handmade Oxblood is covered with fractures. I treat it very gently.
  8. A couple of my latest Peltiers. I really like the left one. Right one has one of the **greenest** bases I've seen in a Peltier.
  9. Very nice. I too have a few pieces of Akroware, but not quite at that level. This one I picked up last year and I really like it.
  10. Thanks Richard. Both cold-roll or orange-peel on the both I have. Interesting. First ones I've seen.
  11. So these were described as "French Sparklers". Obviously a Cats Eye type. Base glass is very clear. A search on the internet turns up nothing but further ebay auctions. Comments?
  12. A month ago I did a Buy Now on a Peltier Clown. Marble was shipped on the 10th of May (1 month ago) and promptly disappeared. Seller made an attempt to track it down and finally sent me a replacement. A nice marble (I think I posted it in the Peltier Study Hall). Today I received an unexpected package and opening it up I discovered the missing Clown. Offered the seller to buy it and she agreed. I'm a happy camper. Along with it was a Peltier 7-up. A pretty common marble, but I really like this one. Something about the colors really hits the right buttons.
  13. It's been nearly 50 years since the last time I was in Japan, but I do remember that Ni is the number two, so I think you're on the right path. )
  14. I see a lot of Veiligglass wirepulls (Dutch) and maybe Veiligglass swirls in the first couple. And what looks like an old German handmade. As Richard says, the asian cats aren't worth much.
  15. Peltier Clown. This was a hard won marble. First one disappeared into the black hole of the U.S. Postal Service. Seller tried unsuccessfully to trace it down. She then offered a refund or a second Clown she had, which she didn't think was as nice. I voted for the marble. Not unhappy. And I don't know why I can't get a decent focus on this thing. But, you get the idea.
  16. Peltier and surface bubbles are a thing. I'm not sure what it was about their manufacturing process, but I've got a number of absolutely mint Peltiers marred with a blown out bubble. Example my Plum Citrus - left shot, bottom right.
  17. I'm planning on it if I can convince my beater of a car to get that far.
  18. I agree Scott. I don't have your experience, but I love me some Peltiers.
  19. We've only got Roosevelt Elk to worry about. Probably not as big as Moose, but you still don't want to hit them with a car.
  20. Nope. Nope. Nope. I understand that some folks love the snow, but give me 70-80 degree weather year round and I'd be a happy camper. My digital thermometer says we hit 102F today, which was too hot.
  21. Not Peltier. Vitro, maybe?
  22. A good excuse to show my latest. The marble on the right is my latest Peltier Rebel. The black ribbons are absolutely full of aventurine. The right one is one of three early Peltier swirls I bought from a WV picker about 15 years ago. If I squint really hard I can find a couple of sparkles on this one. I do love the early Peltier swirls.
  23. Until winnie showed up I was going to say Veiligglas, but now...
  24. I knew Alan through email and ebay auctions. I ran a marble forum many, many years ago and he was one of the regulars. An amazing collector and human being. He is missed.
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