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Everything posted by psia-antique

  1. This one looks like a remelt with very poor torch chemistry....referring to post #11.
  2. Champion Furnace Marbles...most fractured -yes....Wissmach-yes...one day -really? ....rare...really? Everett Grist told me when I was at his house one day that he had two 55 gallon drums (if 9/16 then there would be over 70,000 per drum) of them and his friend he got them from had a "barn full" of those drums...clear base...usually.
  3. I have a set of these. They are the largest "claw foot marble feet" made and are made for library tables as shown here. The "claws" are different from other because these have a face of the mythical character after whom they are named. As soon as I remember what there name is I will post it.
  4. Dani, did you mean to say a blue base or did you mean tan?
  5. Angels have a tan base. Sometimes it is very close to white and easily overlooked. The darker the tan, the more desirable. This said, I think your second marble is spectacular.
  6. Yesterday was a terrible day. We are sad to hear of the passing of Alan (Marble Alan) Basinet. It is the end of an era. We lost our friend who helped all by sharing his marble knowledge. More importantly, he made us better people by setting high standards of excellence, integrity, and humility. This story has ended. Let the next story begin. Now is the future. We are left with many happy memories . We will praise and remember tales of Marble Alan and so we say good-bye. Our stories begin the legend of Marble Alan. May we all carry this joyous legend forward. God speed Buddy!
  7. I don't have any clue about the other 3...JABO for sure, but clueless after that so I won"t guess or vote.
  8. Top row : 1st two on the left and bottom row far right are " What a Tribute II."
  9. Far and away the best show I've been to...kudos to Bruce and Linda!...and everyone who worked on the show.
  10. How do we know that some of the marbles in Al's bag aren't Vitro or Vitro Anacordes since many of those marbles came East when Anacordes was bought by JABO?
  11. JABO? Really? Any idea of what run?
  12. No problem at all....Chuck and Ron talked it all over before it was announced publicly. Neither sees it as a problem. WV will draw from the East and Decatur will draw from the West....I'm sure they will have more to say for themselves.
  13. Ray is alive and well. I think he is a member here. He is on fb for sure.
  14. The process for making the figures to go into a sulphide are well explained in Ray Laubs book " The Making of Sulphides."
  15. I have two 9/16" Ray Laubs sulphides with airplanes in them. One was a gift from Mike M. who is a member here.
  16. Bob at the top of this picture at 11:00 PM is a Sir Walter from '07.
  17. J word, but I think 2002...will keep looking.
  18. 4th row down first three from the left.
  19. I have done some research and there was a marble factory in Canada. I can get to within 100 yards of it and have, but can't seem to figure the rest out...like where did they dump etc.
  20. You can buy their catalog on eBay...from the 50s.
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