I think Migbar would admit that most of what he has learned about Pelt comes from two major sources. They are the contents of a safe to which he keeps alluding, but has never posted any of the data itself. His other prime source of info is a gentleman who was born and raised in Ottawa and lives a couple of blockes from the factory today.
That gentleman was very certain about one thing today. There is an urn that has "all known" (dangerous words) Pelts from the beginning until 1931 on its exterior. There are no green lanterns or citrus marbles on that urn. So, what do we know for "sure?"
We know that if the citus marbles were made before 1930 they were very short run or an experiment. If they were made after 1930, we have no proof of anything.
I think this a great thread, but it proves just how hard it is to flesh out the facts of marble manufacture.It looks like no one has proven anything except that we all need to slowly collect more data until this can be proven one way or another.