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Everything posted by psia-antique

  1. There are two books which you have not ever entered in your marble book bibliography and you own them both. They were gifts to you.I suggest you read one as it has a fair amount about oxblood. The term Oxblood is NOT used elsewhere in the glass world beside marbles.It is a term to describe a range of red colors. It was apparently assigned to marbles by children. The name does NOT in any way say that there is only one way to make it or that there is only one color of oxblood. As I have explained to you before. Oxblood is a name of a range of red colors NOT one specific color NOR is it made by one specific technique. As I have explained to you before, Red paint can be oil based, water based, etc. and still be red. The same is true of oxblood. Since you are telling us that AKRO is "true Oxblood" please tell us where in the literature this formuila may be found to prove your point. I have spoken with the Rakow Research Library and they assure me that Mr. Hellmer's "Batch Book of Formulae" contains no recipes for making Oxblood. His formula book is dated 1921...when AKRO was still hand gathered. I will end this by telling you that I have number of pieces of oxblood cullet.I promise you that great marble collectors are very confused by them and have trouble IDing them. One is AKRO and I won't tell here what the others are...but they all believe each is a piece of Oxblood.
  2. Different colors of glass "burn out " at different temperatures. The temp gets too hot and "burns" the glass to clear.
  3. Maybe it is time to stop collecting. Please note that the fakers are usually journeymen torch guys copying machine made not the other way.Please note that for the most part the better contemporary artists are proud of their work and sign it. As for what is rare and or confusing, I would be very leary of Peltier if I were you. Pelt made 33,000,000 marbles in 1927 alone. JABO in about 20 years of production hads made about 60,000,000....so be very careful of the Pelts, because they are vey confusing. Hell there isn't even a good definition of an NLR or Rainbo. Three different authors seem to have three different definitions of a Pelt called a Champion JR. I can't even fathom how dangerous it might be buying Akro. I guess I'll put my duck boat in the St. Lawrence and go out into the main shipping channel and dump my 45+ year collection into a 10 knot current. Care to join me? I'll let you dump yours first...
  4. How do you know early '40s...please cite your source. thanks
  5. Vitro....per the book....BUT I am notsure I believe it.
  6. Do you want to see one or have you seen some before? Please describe them.
  7. JABO has far exceeded CAC in prettiness. That is very apparent when you see the Joker Rainbows which have up to 12...yes 12 colors...and the JABOs any JABOs are much rarer than CAC. Six colors are common in these beautiful JABO Rainbow marbles. The last run of the year is in the offing. Will it be the last run ever?...I'll bet not... Oh yeah, JABO flames are here. Just check the Rainbows and wonder what is next...
  8. The definition you used is from 1998 by S.Block. The definition I used is the newer one by B. Block in 1993. Time and increased knowledge will not stand still for you just because you want it that way. I apologize that you think I am trying to hijack the thread. I was not and am not. I was just trying to help you avoid bibliographic echo. I feel badly for you and your friends who are afraid of defintions from the books. Maybe you write a treatise with all the proper definitions we should use. When you do, and set a standard of excellence,I will be the first to congratulate you.
  9. Steph, I don't care what your "take" is. Take it any way you choose, but remember that the literature and knowledge evolve. Get out your book read ,it and then decide for yourself. The literature and definitions it provides are the base of our hobby, not the opinions on chat boards. Probably my last post for a couple of weeks as I am leaving for a couple of marble and shows and making a couple of stops to talk about book projects with some experts.
  10. Ric, I've waited for nine pages for that question! "Collecting Early Machine-made Marbles the MF Christensen etc.." Robert Block page 7 top right "fold pontil"...long and short of it is a diaper fold pontil is a cold roll mark on a machine-made American marble . If you don't have the book, I'll bring it to Texas. Just let me know. For those marble collectors who have seen mibs made on a machine and have seen one come off the rollers with a cold roll mark, you have seen a diaper fold made. Steph was right when she said Block has made some mistakes, but this is not one of them! The people who understand his mistaskes and those of other author's are those who have had the mibs in hand and/or been to a marble factory and actually see how it happens.
  11. Sue! I am not angry with you. We both know what I have said about mibs in this thread, I have said publicly. I know nothing about your problems behind the scenes and regardless of what they are, neither I nor the members of the board should be punished by you because you have probelms. You used to be fair and balanced. Please bring that Sue back. I am sorry that you believe that defintions is not important. You are effectively saying that definitions are not important! You are hurting the new guys coming along by not setting the standard. I didn't care that you didn't agree with me the first go on the appropriate use of words. You cannot defend a lie or a liar whether friend or foe. You have this time around chosen to think definition is important. Which is it? As you know, the hobby is evolving and the more defintions we use and agree to, the easier the hobby becomes. Anyone who does not recognize the changes and accept them will be passed by...your choice... Whether you get it or not, friends can disagree and still be friends. However people who send me crude,foul PMs are on thin ice. I am offended enough though that I am charging you with a one beer penalty and graciously accept your invitaion to pay your debt on Friday evening!
  12. Sue, Wake up and smell the roses. You elide over the distinction between clearies, cat's eyes,and sunsets, yet you think it important to ditinguish between one German and another. In other words, in the Bible according to Scoop, you must be precise in one area of our hobby, but it is not important in another. The logical conclusion then is that you as a moderator feel it isn't important to you that we teach new folks the correct definitions unless it suits our convenience. I feel we all have an obligation to use the language to the best of our ability, not convenience and/or particaular marble preference.
  13. Sue, You are wrong. Definition is always important so we are all talking about the same thing. Seems to me that many a fight on the chat boards have been as a result of a defintion not being used correctly. Were I to follow your logic to the extreme then one hand gathered is the same as the next. AND, we both know that is not true any more than a cat's eye and a clearie are the same.
  14. "Sit back, relax, smile, enjoy the pictures and try to remember we're talking toys here... Terminology is not CRITICAL!!! Especially where clearies are concerned!!! One slip of the tongue, or twist of a term shouldn't start a lynchin'.... " quote Scoop in September. In September,it was all right that some could not distinguish between a clearie, a Sunset, or a cat's eye. Since I assume you meant both this month's and last months statements, when does defintion become important?
  15. Even better than books is going to shows and having marble buddies. You can only learn so much from pictures and then your learning curve stops. Ultimately marble collecting and IDing is tactile and visual.
  16. Stop it...Your micros that are similar to specific Pelts, Akro etc will always stand tall.
  17. Oh...I thought all the great contemporary makers signed them...oops...lol
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