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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. Yes, it was a 1935 Xmas lamp. Ron wanted it but we couldn’t agree on the price.
  2. Dad moved to La Posada after Mom passed in 2009, awesome retirement center. He passed in 2020, pre-Covid. we are looking at Tucson, maybe 5 years or so.
  3. My best Tucson find. My parents lived in Green Valley, used to hit most of the antique stores when visiting. Finally sold it at the Portland show last year.Copper Kettle is a favorite. We still visit every June to see friends in Oro Valley.
  4. My favorite, red crystal snake in clear base. 1 of 5.
  5. 2-color with surface and internal streams.
  6. my better 1/4…Amber Bamber Fuzzybutt. A 7lb PomChi. We actually chose our wood floors to hide her shedding. Took a sample to the flooring store and spread it on several options. Weird, I know🙃
  7. I’ve got this oddity, my first German swirl. The question is why does it exist? 1-3/8”. Single bands of white and green.
  8. So, a flicker is less than a flame? What is the count demarcation?
  9. I got predisposed and forgot to pick it up…🥴
  10. I passed on it…. But have to walk by the store on the way to the car.
  11. Cold here as well… oops, that’s Celsius..🙃🙃🙃 I feel warmer now.
  12. Mini-find today, in a bag of cats. i gave the rest of the bag to a guy carrying 2 jars of marbles to the cashier.
  13. I look for individual mibs in a jar. Price the mibs as compared to the jar price. Excess mibs get bagged to give to kids at local antique shows. Most kids hate going to shows with their parents, so getting a free bag of mibs makes them happy. I add cigar boxes as I have them for storage. keeps my excess down and salts the community for when I start selling my collection.
  14. Rick is sending it back to me. I will take it to Dani to get her opinion, plus the other 2 I have for verification. I promised Rick a gifted black clown, and I will deliver. (If Dani says I actually have one…🥴) stay tuned.
  15. Just don’t sell it…
  16. Looks like an Alley ox to me.
  17. I passed on photos to Dani Kirk for her take.
  18. Neither sale looks remotely similar to what I gave Rick….
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