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Everything posted by schmoozer

  1. I’ve got a sample from a mine in New Mexico. Will dig it out and take pictures.
  2. My wierdest job paid the best. For the last 17 years I have audited commercial properties for energy efficiency. I found countless cases where there were design/construction deficiencies the no one ever exposed due to liability issues. I exposed them and subsequently, and typically got fired for doing so. Talking millions in liabilities. I have finally said screw it and retired. I have never been happier to get out of the industry.
  3. Yes, I have addiction issues…😱 we are in the process of downsizing…
  4. Not to mention Blenko glass from Milton, WV.
  5. I also collect Bryan Money, satirical pieces from William Jennings campaigns. 1896,1900, and 1908.
  6. I’ve got a safe full of civil war and hard times tokens. Terrible at keeping records, all marked in reference books. Nothing certified, I hate the industry.
  7. I’ll give you goofy! The last pic shows a wedding present from my first marriage in 1983. art by Robert Hutchinson (1948-2003)
  8. Ended up in Mexico/Belize/Honduras. Won’t be cruising RC again. Staff was (mostly) great but the food sucked. had a bartender who refused to give me a tequila shot with a Corona. I had the liquor package, and could have a triple martini if I wanted, but no tequila/Corona combo. stayed away from him, all the others bars complied.
  9. You are definitely expanding everyone’s knowledge! thank you!
  10. Wondering on this one… https://www.ebay.com/itm/305208748762?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=hqscXMqMTcK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=bXaTUpW8TnK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  11. We were supposed to go to the Bahamas but high winds closed all the ports. Found out when we to the terminal to board…🤯🤯🤬
  12. A bunch of these auctions got ended with no sale. Thinking someone made a deal on the side?
  13. Looks like maybe an akro ingot? What size? Always post the size…
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