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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. They're my fav- handmades,yours has a beautiful blue color!! The green-blue and amber based are indeed less common than red-purple and opaque black. Also the size-condition and amount of colors is important,and how much someone wants it LOL. Here's an other with a green base,mine is 13/16.
  2. Sometimes I can be a whiner. First let me say that I find it very clever that you can distinquish these äsians" from Master Sunbursts, I think I never will be able to do that. I've see some Masters at Joesmarble site,they resemble mine,and they also fit perfect with the Masters I've already have. I would appreciate if you can give me a hint,how you can see the difference. I also can't see that the glass is new,and usually I do see it pretty well at Vacors and Imperials. I really hope to get some comments. Here're 3 more.
  3. Sorry,I don't get it,did I something wrong?
  4. Thanks guys, Here's a close-up of one of the Asian Sunbursts".
  5. The lower left looks different than the rest. I've several orange/black Vacor swirls that look a lot like those.
  6. can't choose,I think than if I had to,I put them all away,and stop to collect them,maybe I keep one marble,which already is in my bag.
  7. I don't know,don't recognize it as Imperial. I found it with these in a group of old marbles,I know everything could happen.
  8. There're much more pictures,but I'll stop now.
  9. I will add some photos from my files,I've made plenty of them.
  10. Yes the green is transparant of the middle one on bottom. The three on top are translucent,a little light shines through them. You see Steph,what confuses me the most is that some of these patches don't look Imperial at all to me.
  11. Bob,I've no idea about the "range"of sizes,I'll pay more attention in the future about it,when I save pictures.
  12. I use to put all the patches I find here together in boxes. After looking at Steph's tthread about Akro patches,I thought let me try again, to see if there are US patches among them,what do you think?
  13. I happen to think this week,it would be a good idea to have a thread about Akro patches. It would be good to learn grrrr,it could well be that there're Akro patches between my Asian patches,who knows, although I wonder whether I ever going to see the difference,the longer I look at them,the more they seem the same to me. Here're my savings.
  14. 1/2 or onder,cats the one on right is 5/8 peewee handmades
  15. LOL thats new for me.I didn't know CACs do have collectors names.
  16. Some people here use the word "panache",it means something like flamboyant a kind of bravura and courage. It's of French origin,the literal translation is a feather plume.
  17. Happy an peaceful 2016 everyone.
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