I recently heard that there are about 25.000 micro bugs in a Christmas tree,and at each home their live a lot more bugs,frightening to know,but the good news is,they're harmless.
Neat puzzle box!!I have several of the marbles,and I like them,I think the glass is good quality.
The green ones in the second row left,look like the muchroom type.
What do you think of the age of the marbles??
Well,lets see,here are some Japanese mushroom type's,left and right down in the Vending machine, do have that construction.
I think it's all speculation but it's fun to puzzle.
I believe a lot of the Euro sparklers have oxblood stripes on or just near the surface.
The one Al posted looks a lot like an Euro sparkler.
Here's one of mine,Euro sparkler.
and here's the one Al posted
I've on with exactly the same pattern among my Japanese mushroom types,but it is completely opaque.
I know from Roger b,there are also transp- ones so.......