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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Think it's an old Japanese patch type,related to the mushroom,until someone recognized it as American made.
  2. Sami,we typed the same time but your last post gives me some answers,only thing is the clear Raibos also have 4 ribbons and all ribbons have different colors and there is a fifth color but its a bit transparant and on the surface.,so I think the depth and thickness and the construction is the difference in both types?
  3. Sami,I agree the depth and thickness of the ribbons are different from the fruit cocktail,but the clear Rainbos shown here have at least 4 different colors,red-white -yellow and green and there is some brownish transparancy on the surface. The others have 3 colors,blue-white and red. Is it mainly the construction that varied between both Pelt types? Ann,The colors are opaque on the clear Rainbos,except for the brownish color is in some areas transparant.
  4. Thanks folks for the info,and thank you Bill for the beautiful pictures,it's good to know there are other colors out there. I can't resist to post some close ups of these beauties.
  5. Here's a pic- of the middle one,it has also a clear glass base,but is it not called a clear Rainbo? Are these Rainbo's made about the end of the production periode?
  6. Got this yesterday in the mail,I was totally madly in love with them. If it's possible,I want to know more about them,such as:do they excist in other colors--wat's the time periode. I'm surprised there is so little known about these beauties,not on the internet or the forums, at least I've not seen it.
  7. some more translucent glass.
  8. Was looking yesterday in my unknown swirl box,came across this one. Although I've found it in Holland I'm not sure it's made here. Mine is not Jabo,cause we don't have them here. I can imagine that several companies have made them. It's not much help but now you know yours are not alone.
  9. Me too wouldn't throw it away,I put them in a jar,after glass you can't hardly see the damage. A 7/8 German slag or str/tr.
  10. The banana pic- is beautiful,yet so bright.The other pic- are nice aswell. I do not have much patience in making them,although I like to take marble pic-. I'm more of the fast result,maybe it's a pity but... I agree that marbles with a clear base could be for a good result,taken in direct sunlight.
  11. OK lets get back. There are translucent Asian marbles and some are opalescent. Here's a translucent with AV. and another one this one is opalescent,hope you can see it.
  12. That cat's eye reminds me of the German cat's eye on top of this pic-,but it's a different color, I have them also in purple,the purple of my German cat's is darker. It's common for these cat's to have firebrick on the vanes. The red/white transitionals,I think are Japanese,although some people would call it German.
  13. I happen to love to take marble pictures,it doesn't matter to me that it's plain common. Here ya go and here's a close up of a 6v.3 col- cross thru
  14. I've no clue but I do like the color.
  15. Those red transparant based swirls of Ric and Bill are great looking!!
  16. OK,if you're sure.I think the green is a little brighter on yours. You see they resemble the opaque ones. Three opaques on top and 5 transparant on bottom.
  17. Hi Ric,thats funny,are you sure it's Cairo,it looks a lot like the Amsterdam swirls which i found here.
  18. That green/white one with red is special Bermar. These are all the different colors that I found here so far.
  19. Was looking at my cat's and came across this one, has anyone seen it before? I didn't.
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