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Everything posted by SNYD

  1. Burt, Glad to see your still hanging in there buddy. You know I read your reply and it stuck in my mind. The longer I thought about it I begain to think about the reasons why I collect marbles and what the meaning was to me. You see I have some Jabo marbles, they are nice, yet they do not appeal to me in the way they do for other folks. I wondered why, I started with Akro, then went to Peltier and CAC. I never had any interest in anything else. Then one day I found a Master Marble I liked, now I have a nice little collection of maybe a hundred. Then the same thing happened to me with Marble King. This past year was no different, while at Sistersville, after you left, I met a man who had some mibs and I bought some and when I wnet through them I found an Alley that was green with oxblood. The cool thing was that the oxblood was seperated and it flowed with the flames. It is so cool, I'll show you next year at the show. My point with that is now I have a collection started with Alley Flames. As marble collectors, should we not support anyone's likes no matter the marble type, maker, age or design. We are all (I thought) collecting for the love of marbles and what they mean to each of us. To put Jabo marbles down is like telling your wife dinner sucked, it's an insult that will only leave you alone. As I said, I am nopt big on Jabo, would I pay for them, maybe, maybe not, but I would not dethrown someone who likes them. Everyone must remember too, that the level of money people have for marbles varies and this may be what someone can afford. And yes some of them are very eye appealing. So let's all think about why we collect and be nicer to our fellow collectors and support thier likes and desires as they were our own. Remember, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. You may be doing more harm to yourself in the long run. Let's all collect in peace and enjoy each others company while we are on this earth. Smart remarks or general put downs don't make anyone smarted or look better. To understand another humans interest and to support it is bliss. So to all my collecting friends to those friends I have not met yet, I enjoy what you enjoy and I hope your joy is met while life is still ours to hold. Peace to all and I hope you all get the mib ( what ever kind) from Santa this year. Your Pal SNYD
  2. For all those looking for marbles, just found out that there are real good marbles at an auction house in northern Pa. Go to chaseauction.com, click on the see photos (blue letters) under the first auction title. Nice handmades and some upper machine mades. Marbles are starting to come out of hiding I will be there, let's not fight over the mibs There are plenty for all. I am not big on handmades so they are all yours. I am going to see the rebel, johndeere and the other Peltiers. The yellow latticino looks to be 1 1/2" or 1 3/8" I did not get to measure. All the mibs looked to be in really nice shape.
  3. Pete, Welcome to a great, rewarding, heart breaking, enjoyable, frustrating, heart pumping hobby? SNYD
  4. This is it folks........... The one I just got looks just like this!! So, is it a gray coat or a "Christmas Angel" It is chipped up a little, the guy that gave it to me makes the plates for my polish machines and wanted to see it polished. I did not want to do it if it was a rare and hard to find mib.
  5. I will email Sue a picture through email and see if she would be so kind to help me out again. I already owe her a soda for the first kind act she did with the polishing machines. I may have to up the payment to include a bag of chips SNYD
  6. Sorry forgot to say that the green is the same as my xmas tree marbles. Dark clear glass green.
  7. [ Yes, it looks just like the little one on the bottom, but between the redlines there is a green ribbon too.
  8. There are three red ribbons and one green. I will try to get a picture, I do not have a real good camera and I'll see if my forum pal "Sue" would help me one more time.
  9. First off, no pictures I had to have a fellow chatter help me with the polisher pictures. Okay I just went to my local dealer that does heating units for homes. He gave me a marble that looks like a Peltier. It has a gun metal gray base, there are green and red ribbons just like a Christmas tree, in fact it looks just like a Christmas tree but on a gray base, any ideas what it is called? It is chipped but still the first time I have seen a Christmas tree on a gray base.
  10. WOW, I can't believe that let this comment stay here. Please remember there are very young people reading posts here to learn. I have suggested this site to five of the young folks I help out with marbles, please stop. Don't foget where you are!
  11. I thought the show was again a lot of fun. I met some new friends and I got some good deals, 12 handmades - mint -, onionskin with mica and with a yellow solid core inside, and I goofed around a missed out on a nice superman. All were priced right. I did some talking and I got every seller to drop the price, you got to haggle! It took me an hour to get that onionskin down to where I thought it was a good price. I got a really nice mint Peltier Dragon, largest I have seen, starting price $600, I am not sure who would pay that , not me. I got it for 1/6th the asking price. Again, it was a very large size! I also think about the ebay prices, yea they may be a few bucks cheaper, add in the shipping and your at the same price or higher. ( JUST MY OPINION) I place finding marbles second to meeting all the friends and making new friends. I met a very interesting and fun guy this year from California, it was a ball hanging with him. WOW, it is nice to meet folks to talk to about marbles, share mibs, laugh with, and have a "good time with". It's the people too! I also like the fact that you can hold the marbles in your hand and make the condition call yourself, not relying on someone from tim-buck-two telling you mint 12.9 I don't want to beat a dead horse but I vote that the people make the shows, not just find mibs. My wife went this year and although she does not collect mibs,everything else She had a great time just wodering around talking to the folks we have seen there in the past six years. So, next year jump on board and find us, we have a ball!
  12. I went to part one but missed part two. Part one had some really neat and high end mibs. Prices were as normal, some things went high some went right and some were on the low side. I suggest you go early to see the mibs before the auction. My mint is tougher than most and the grading is your call. They had a real nice set up that made it easy to view the mibs. I'll make part three, I have to run to Sistersville to see a friend and find the guy with the bucket of mibs I found that oxblood Alley flame in. He had some other nice mibs that were Alley that I want to get, then run up to the auction. SNYD
  13. Burt, You sligh dog you......................I had a great time working you down on that onionskin. You made the show one heck of a great time for me and my wife. You bring the true reason for collecting to light CLyde was a treat too. I really liked him and hope he comes again. Your right, one guy bought four and Clyde bought one. I am sending his out this week. Your partner in crime, ( no names - red hair, glasses, glazed eyes,) got one heck of a deal on a rare and hard to find Marble King from Jill!!!! We went to her place Sunday, I bought a bag full of popeyes Clyde worked me, he got three top end popeyes from the bag. I can't wait to see what you bring me next year! Okay, an hour of working you to drop the price was a little much But I stick to my guns, I am working out all year so next year, it will be two hours You are a true asset to the marble comunity, Thank you for being you! This ones for you - SNYD
  14. This years show was a little slow. The weather played a lot with the attendance. There were more venders this year than last year and last year there were more than the previous year. It's getting biggger all the time. The hotel in town was closed and this may have lowered the attendance too. I made a good buy though. I guy came in with a bucket of fresh mibs. He was from WV somewhere :ph34r: ,sorry can't say I am driving the five hours to go back down to go threw the mibs again. Anyhow, I got a bag of mibs I sorted out and one was a transparent green and white Alley "Flame" with oxblood outlining the flames! I also got five perfect fine lined, long tipped ALLEY flames. I know there are more great mibs in that bucket. I should have taken more time sorting. Oh well, I hope to get back where he is at in the next two weeks or so. There was a guy from Maryland that had some good mibs at great prices. I was over loaded with all th eJabo mibs, still way too many being offered. SNYD
  15. Thanks to all at the show. It was a success. Sorry to all those folks who did not get a machine that wanted one. I sold out the first morning by 10:oo am. The next round of machines are all spoken for also. Even people who owned wooden machines are on the waiting list for machines. Please, all of those who purchased machines, please be honest and true with your adventures with the machines. I saw a lot of polished mibs at the show that were selling as originals. Polishing and selling the mibs is okay and in fact it is restoring at it's best. Just be upfront about it. KEEP ON POLISHING ! ! ! ! ! SNYD
  16. Sue, Thank You, you are the best ! I had to send the pictures to you from a friends email, I am still unable to email. Computers - If we ever meet, I owe you a soda and a smile...... SNYD
  17. Duffy, I would like to get some from you at Sistersville also. SNYD
  18. Dave, Yes, I will have a machine running to show how they work. All the machines that will be there will run, I just have them set up to show different set ups for different size marbles. I did this so I do not have to do alot of changing at the show. The one running will have a marble in it, I will not use grit though. Yes, it is first come first serve, sorry. Yes, I give all the suppliers information on where to purchase grits and fittings. Yes, I have a tips and suggestions sheet to help you get started. Yes, if you want three machines you can get them, if I have three to sell. You can buy all five if you like. No, I do not do house calls to aid in learning. It is very easy and you'll catch on. No, I do not make machines for individuals. I do this during the winter months when we get four and five foot of snow to help time go by. I only do five machines each year. If you call and I have one, then yes; an idividual can get it. I just do not wnat to take orders, in case I find another project to do and want time. No, these machines are strictly my design and I have never seen one made from aluminum, only wood. Yes, I polish for a hobby. This is how I came up with the design of the machine. I have been doing my own marbles for five years. No, I do not polish for others. I do not want to do this because of the dishonesty that can take place with poilshed mibs. Okay I think I covered all your questions. I posted them because I have had others ask some of the same questions. I am killing four birds with one stone! SNYD
  19. I would love to post some photos. I have tried for a long time to figure out how to post picture here and I can not seem to be able to do it. Please remember, I am not a computer buff by any means. I say this because I have had a lot of directions, but I get lost. Sorry, too dumb to understand I guess. If anyone that knows how to do it and will be at Sistersville, they could help you out.
  20. Just a quick plug to let everyone who has contacted me about polishing machines know.....Yes, I will have five completed machines at the show ready for purchasing. I only make five machines per year, as this is not my full time hobby. Once these five are sold, there will not be anymore until next year. Unfortunitly, next year the prices will have to go up. I can not buy the materials at the present prices, sorry. These machines can polish marbles from 1/2" up to 2 1/8", at least that is the biggest I have done. The machines are "all" aluminum frames and stainless hinges. No wood to warp like the other machines made. They have anti crash bars which no other machine made has. I will be letting these go for a special price at the festival, only $250.00. If you check them out and then price out the materials, you'll see that my profit is less than $50.00 each and it takes time to make them. Hope to see all of you at Sistersville! Don't forget to pick up your offical 2009 festival mug! See or call Jim King to get one. SNYD
  21. Sorry, hand faster than my brain.......red bag, not red bad. Also marbles are mint Sorry no photos, I can send some via email, I can not figure how to post pics here. I have tried since dirt was made.
  22. Anyone interested in an Akro 300 box in excellent condition with oxblood marbles and the red victory bad with the white dots and dash? I hate to let it go, but times are tough. $1500 takes it SNYD
  23. If anyone is interested in marble polishing machines, I will be showing my new 2009 series of machines in Sistersville, WV in September. Here are some key options that come standard. 1. Three heads 2. Easy turn knobs for adjusting 3. All aluminum frame 4. Anti crash supports. ( nice to kep the heads from crashing into the grit pot and spilling it) 5. Easy access on/off switch 6. Easy disassemble for cleaning SNYD
  24. Prayers Keep the faith, the many prayers you two will get will help you guys get through this. SNYD
  25. Your my kind of collector. The key words I really like is....The pride you would take in letting people know you polished the mibs. That is exactly were I stand. If someone is good, really good at polishing, then their name will get to be known and the mibs they do would bring a better price. It is all the same thing, life, friendship, love, work, religon and more............being honest and fair. I may put together a small group of polished mibs to take to WV too. Let's see what the collecting people and the sellers react. Good luck........
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