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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. I'm wondering............. whether a marble is antique, vintage or new or whether it is a collectible or made for collector's, isn't it all in personal preference? I think it's wonderful that folks contribute to these Jabo runs, which, if you think about it, is one of the last remaining marble making company's left in the USA. I've been researching decorative pottery lately and what sold relatively inexpensively 50+ years ago, has quite a market going for itself, especially some of the American manufacturers that no longer exists. Who'da thought a common household vase could now be worth several thousand dollars? I guess what I'm trying to say is that noone can foresee what any item will go for in the future, folks back then didn't know their objects would be of worth in these current times, they just bought what they liked and could afford. Times were tough then, they are tough now, why not support America, it's products, it's brave soldiers...God bless America! Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  2. Check this out: It's a too kewl, eye-catching Jabo Joker Rainbow flame! :-) Felicia
  3. Great marbles folks! Keep'em coming! :-) Felicia
  4. Fantastic! Lotsa colors there. Thanx for sharing Okie :-)
  5. Happy Birthday one and all! Hope you're all having the best day ever! Hey Ray, aren't you due back in December? Good to see ya. :-) Felicia
  6. Happy Birthday Sue...Hope you had a 'purple-riffic' day!
  7. Sorry guys..sign up has been over for some time, maybe next year. Yes, you pick players from the NFL teams to try to make a team of your own and hopefully they get good points for you. Just found out this was there too..Click Scoring & Settings and you'll see how your players are scored after the games: Scoring & Settings Setting Value League ID#: 357404 League Name: Redneck Fantasy League Password: raider pride Draft Type: Autopick Draft Draft Time: Sun Aug 30 9:12pm PDT Max Teams: 16 Scoring Type: Head-to-Head Start Scoring on: Week 1 Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports Max Moves: 25 Max Acquisitions per Week: 3 Max Trades: 4 Trade Reject Time: 3 Trade End Date: November 20, 2009 Trade Review: League Votes Waiver Time: 2 days Waiver Type: Continual rolling list Weekly Waivers None Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules Playoffs: Week 15, 16 and 17 (6 teams) Divisions: No Roster Positions: QB, WR, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, K, DEF, D, DB, DL, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN Fractional Points: No Negative Points: Yes Offense League Value Completions 1 Incomplete Passes -1 Passing Yards 50 yards per point Passing Touchdowns 4 Interceptions -3 Rushing Yards 25 yards per point Rushing Touchdowns 4 Reception Yards 25 yards per point Reception Touchdowns 4 Return Yards 25 yards per point 0 Return Touchdowns 4 2-Point Conversions 2 Fumbles Lost -2 Offensive Fumble Return TD 4 Kickers League Value Field Goals 0-19 Yards 1 Field Goals 20-29 Yards 2 Field Goals 30-39 Yards 3 Field Goals 40-49 Yards 4 Field Goals 50+ Yards 5 Field Goals Missed 0-19 Yards -5 Field Goals Missed 20-29 Yards -4 Field Goals Missed 30-39 Yards -3 Field Goals Missed 40-49 Yards -2 Field Goals Missed 50+ Yards -1 Point After Attempt Made 1 Point After Attempt Missed -2 Defense/Special Teams League Value Sack 1 Interception 2 Fumble Recovery 2 Touchdown 6 Safety 2 Block Kick 2 Points Allowed 0 points 10 Points Allowed 1-6 points 7 Points Allowed 7-13 points 4 Points Allowed 14-20 points 1 Points Allowed 21-27 points 0 Points Allowed 28-34 points -1 Points Allowed 35+ points -4 Defensive Players League Value Tackle Solo 1 Tackle Assist .5 Sack 2 Interception 2 Fumble Force 1 Fumble Recovery 2 Defensive Touchdown 4 Safety 2 Pass Defended 1 Block Kick 1
  8. Fall colors Have a great month! :-) Felicia
  9. Hiya Okie, how's it going? It's a transparent base, a greenish tint to it. I think it may be a Jabo flame, it sure looks flame-ish.
  10. Have fun everyone! May your journey be safe and your fellowship be blessed! :-) Felicia
  11. The blue in this one is outstanding! Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  12. Here's wishing you the very best! :-) Felicia Thank you for all you do!
  13. Very kewl Experimentals! It's great seeing the things that Mr McCullough comes up with in these experiments. I'm glad to see that he still gets the opportunity to show his creativity. :-) Felicia
  14. Here's wishing you a fantabulous day with many, many more to come. Have a blessed day! :-) Felicia
  15. Too kewl...milk duds...hope the cow didn't have anything to do with that...lol
  16. Too kewl Jack! Best I've gotten has been general debris. Thanx for sharing :-) Felicia
  17. Happy Birthday! May many blessings come your way! :-) Felicia
  18. Kewl marbles Brian. Are those 2 near the bottom brown? I think I may have seen it all now...a pole dancing cow! Is that legal? (giggles) :-) Felicia
  19. From what I remember years ago (because we didn't know how we got negatives either), things like fumbles, interceptions, sacks, etc count against players/teams. I didn't understand the trading or what the numbers were all about but after several years, I started to catch on. The first time I played, I picked a lot of people who had kewl names, some I couldn't even pronounce but it was fun trying..lol There was one that was something like Manumaluna...loved that name but he didn't do me any good that year. I'm a Polamalu fan (another kewl name). He's fast, he flies, he whomps, he watches and is almost always right there when he needs to be.
  20. Some have a bluish tint glass from what I have seen. Some colorful Wash outs: Steph, are you talking about what (I think) they call Champion furnace marbles? Wvrons might know huh? Who else?
  21. Hey, that's kewl! Multiple colors even! Thanx for sharing :-) Felicia
  22. Awwww you too Brian! I hope all is well your way. Take care and have a wonderful week!
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