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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. Kewl beans! And with bling too...awesome! :-) Felicia
  2. Congratulations! What a great variety you both got and it looks like you'll be having some sorting fun soon too! :-) Felicia
  3. IF it is a newer handmade, that mark/pontil could be from something called a punty. http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_1861735862/punty.html Still all gorgeous marbles ya got there. :-) Felicia
  4. Now something for y'all to ponder about... I seem to recall a few years ago, when I 'discovered' marbles, (please correct me if I am wrong) there was a story about a lady, (I think it was Patry) who was admired and loved by many, who began collecting machine-made marbles during a time when it wasn't the 'thing' to do. There were posts of her amazing and gorgeous marbles, she had cat's eyes that were beyond belief! As I see it, she went with what she liked and from what I had seen of the pictures posted, her collection was awesome! If I understand correctly too, she had one of the top collections of machine-mades around. We cannot see the future and only hope for the best but if you collect what YOU like, how much happier will you be?
  5. LOL Brian, usually I'm in brain freeze mode...this thinking and pondering rarely happens, gotta keep that last good brain cell for my later years :-) Anywho, the flood gates have opened for a little longer and I thought "What a great time we are living in!" I mean there are folks who physically dig for information, whether it be in the dirt, through old newspapers and archived material or experimenting with marble manufacturing, wherever there is a possibility to learn. Back in the day, practically every town had kids somewhere playing marbles, some would show off their new bag of marbles their parents bought them and there are still young folks playing today because either their parents inspired them or someone else did. I am thrilled when I see folks give that 125%, these are folks who really really love this hobby. They go beyond the collecting. I am thankful that we still have people around who want to make marbles. It is because of all these great people, past and present, who have done so much, that makes this a fun and exciting time on this marble path. I thank them all and wish them the best in their future endeavors. :-) Felicia
  6. Been pondering on these Jabo threads and came to the conclusion that it would be better to have Jabo's, not just for comparison, not just because they are so beautiful and not because I like them. I'm thinking about the folks who have earnestly worked hard to find the information about the marbles of the past, the historians, those dedicated people who have put in many miles, many written words and such so that the information can be brought forth for all to learn. This isn't just about the here and now, there are future generations to consider. Why not make it a bit easier for them to have the information, something we have now, easily and readily available for them? Documentation, even within our own separate collections, would be that much better for those who will inherit what we presently enjoy. All marbles have and will have some history behind them..someone's intelligence, someone's creativity, someone's enthusiasm, those cherished eureka moments...sometimes (and sadly) these things are forgotten. As I see, even now, there are stories being told of marble-making, fond memories being cherished and shared. Each marble made creates another detail in a large, beautiful picture...Enjoy them! Thanx and have a wonderful day! :-) Felicia
  7. Jabo's have awesome color combinations and patterns. The clear based ones are so kewl...you can follow the swirling around! Absolutely love the pastels! Such beauty in something so small...toooooo kewl! And they have some with purple and pink! :-) Felicia
  8. Very nifty! LOL, you crack me up, playing with cap guns...you're a kewl trip! :-) Felicia
  10. Oh Man! That's definitely something to learn from, thanx Rich. :-) Felicia
  11. Fantastic! The last group picture, the pastel looking ones on the upper right, with what looks like purple, pink and blue...absolutely yummy! :-) Felicia
  12. But you (all) look Maaaahvelous Dahhhhlings! :-) Felicia
  13. Wow! Ok, this stuffs getting a little technical and over my head, sorry I asked but thanks anyway. :-) Felicia
  14. This is what I was talking about before with the machines...How do you stop super hot glass from coming down and randomly forming some sort of pattern during its final process? Isn't it pretty much whatever happens during the cutting/shearing and while its rolling determine what the result will be? I'd think it's like a potluck thing and you get what you get and do a happy dance that they are round and attractive. :-) Felicia
  15. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=13315
  16. How cute! Congratulations to the family and God bless! :-) Felicia
  17. I STILL keep looking at that marble! :-) Felicia
  18. Thanx Bubba. Well if I can't tell reflections from pocks then I either have to clean the tv screen better or stop trying since I stink at IDs...lol :-) Felicia
  19. Well, I don't have the experience as so many long-timers do, but I'll play. On my tv screen, they all look pocked and either they are all Jabo's orrrrr the 3 on the left column plus bottom center one is Jabo and the others are just dinged. :-) Felicia
  20. I didn't understand some of that but that's me. All I know is when I see purple, that's THE ultimate color...others follow after. :-) Felicia
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