Hi marblemansion, Bill, if I may.
I had read the heartfelt things that you wrote and pondered them as I walked into town (I live in a small town). I stopped and watched the movement of the river, folks driving along in their cars etc. During my errands and along the bus route, I continued to ponder..I heard folks greet one another with a "Good morning, how are you today?", folks beeping their horns and waving at others they know, I saw a family of geese by a building...simple, happy things...things that are often forgotten along the way, even enjoying the simple beauty of a marble held in our hand.
I continued to ponder and thought perhaps rather than sell something you've spent time to build up, time to document, time to enjoy, maybe you could just box it up for a little while, the marbles, documentation and any other memorabilia? Maybe bring them back out one day in the future, go outside, find a nice place to just sit and look through them again. (Kinda like when folks gather and look through the old family photos and reminisce)
Perhaps, if you have children it could be passed along to them? Something they can learn by and have fun with.
These are just ponderings. It's a nice, sunny Spring day, birds are singing, the aroma of roses is in the air and I've enjoyed my morning and I hope everyone else enjoys their day as well.
:-) Felicia