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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. It's fantastic Gary! How wonderful of you to have this done. Thank you for sharing. :-) Felicia
  2. Wow Burt! Those ARE Ultra! Topped up and maxxed out! The color blends/choices just jump out. Too kewl. Thanx for sharing. :-) Felicia
  3. This is about the best I can get with a camera phone: :-) Felicia
  4. Well, not going to make it, a health issue keeping me in :-(
  5. Well, that's another new one for me, Euro-flames...too kewl! Thank you ziggyzora, those are amazing! Marblemiser, thank you they are beautiful! The one in the middle even captures the coloring and firey look, awesome! Have a great weekend! :-) Felicia
  6. Fantastic Mike, I thought as much. You make great marbles, that's for sure. Have a blessed weekend all and keep those beauties coming! :-) Felicia
  7. All that in one week!? Wow! That's really great! Thanx for sharing Gary and have a great weekend! :-) Felicia
  8. Awwwww, bet he keeps you busy. Sounds like some other kids are going to end up having some fun too! (maybe even some bigger kids..lol) Thanx for sharing the fun Edna, have a great weekend! :-) Felicia
  9. VTAndrea, thank you. And, hey, on those Ravenswood and/or Alley ones, the first and last ones, are those on transparent bases? They make me back-track and think maybe my second one might be one after all.(?) True Gary, and those are good examples to show the difference in what are known as Vacor flames, as well as show the similarity to a banana cat's eye, thank you. So we have CAC, Alley, Slag-flames, Ravenswood, Champion and the Vacors. Anything else? Anyone else? Any in my favourite color purple? lol I always enjoy looking at marble pictures. Thanx again everyone and have a blessed weekend! :-) Felicia
  10. Mmuehlba...fantastic! That sure is a wild blue one. That's also the first I've heard the term slag-flame. Steph, Champ? Did they have flame-ish ones too? Thanx for showing these...I don't think the 2nd one in my picture could be one after seeing what's been posted so far but the other..hmmm, maybe? :-) Felicia
  11. Fantastic Winnie! Love the picture too! Mike, did you make that beauty? It's intense! Thanx folks, let's keep'em coming! :-) Felicia
  12. Here are the flame-ish looking ones: :-) Felicia
  13. Those are beautiful Dan and Disco! Thank you so much. They're quite cheerful colors. :-) Felicia
  14. That's really kewl Steph! It reminds me that there's an Amish Auction out near here this Saturday. Don't know what to expect because it will be my first time going to any kind of auction. :-) Felicia
  15. Thank you Edna. I recalled something about Alley flames but not CAC. I "think" I might have one or two but not sure. If I can get a picture, I will post it. :-) Felicia
  16. I've never heard of a Bottle Tree before but then there's a lot of things out there that's probably new to me. It's definitely different. :-) Felicia
  17. Yes it is eye-catching Slowguy, kinda looks like a wild cork too, which makes it double kewl. Steph, it's easy enough for me not to try to buy on ebay since they made their changes and the Mr is still unemployed (this month will make a year). I posted that one because it just screamed "I'm gorgeous!" and I agreed :-) I have a couple that I tried to take a picture but with the gloomy skies, they looked more on the blue side. I think it's supposed to clear up in a few days, so I'll try again.
  18. I Love'em! Thanx Steph and Slowguy (Nice to meet ya). Who made that one Slowguy? I've pondered these colors and I'd guess they're not quite green/not quite blue colors. They're somewhere close but not quite, yanno? And oddly, when you try to get a good picture, they show up closer to one of the two colors, green or blue. Did ya win that pretty marble Steph? If you did, you just gotta tell me how gorgeous it really is! :-) Felicia
  19. It's rather blah here today, maybe seeing some flames would warm it up a little bit. Anyone care to share some pictures? Thanx bunches and have a great day! :-) Felicia
  20. Just an FYI for everyone: http://www.nrps.com/community/cyberstalk.asp Threatening and harrassing online is illegal and subject to police involvement.
  21. Hi Bocci, I used to get this awesome salt water taffy from the Carolina shore when I lived in N.C. There was a great place down there that you could watch them make it, many years ago. Thought the taffy pulling machine was kewl...it did this figure eight kind of thing. Never knew they made it in N.J.
  22. Since it seems I've not seen too many with these colors, thought it'd be fun to see what's out there. Here's a few cross-thru cat's to start off :-) Felicia
  23. It sure is yummy, it reminds me of a piece of salt water taffy, sort of a blue raspberry/bubble gum blend. I know if I could, I would try for it. Have a great day! :-) Felicia
  24. Happy Birthday Bo! It's your special day Celebrate it in a wonderful way And may you be blessed always. :-) Felicia
  25. Everyone likes getting marble mail You may even let out a gleeful wail Which might be heard for miles around An excitedly happy and joyous sound
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