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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric


    They look Vitro to me.
  2. Don't do it, Tommy - follow the light!
  3. My wife says there is and she has experience with such things. lol
  4. I agree with Art, the one on the right is more typical for a PPP but the patches can vary a lot and it wouldn't surprise me too much if the left one was Pelt too.
  5. I'd probably just start wading through the "Mostly Pics" threads in Steph's Study Hall - there are all kinds of examples both typical and not so typical. And color is always an important consideration, especially when the seams get funky.
  6. I think DInk may have nailed it, Rick - Tinkas are from Argentina. http://bolitastinka.com.ar/index.php
  7. Hello Brian, Welcome to the Marble Connection. There are some vintage marbles in your groups, including a few Marble Kings, Vitros, and Peltiers. But the three you pulled out and most of the marbles you are showing are newer ones made by Vacor in Mexico.
  8. Very cool, Rick. How is it I remember these and I couldn't tell you what I had for lunch yesterday? A one track mind, apparently. lol
  9. It might be interesting to see what this one looks like after a bath . . .
  10. Based on the recent photos, I think you're probably right.
  11. You better set it where it's going to stay for a long while or you're going to need a dolly!
  12. @hdesousa Yes, mostly transparent Veiligglas and English Whisplers and the others Chad mentioned. There might be a couple of creased "pontil" transitionals in there too.
  13. Yup, a nice selection of Veiligglas from Amerstam. The opaque ones are harder to find than the transparent ones. The only one I question is the red/white and ivory one right of center.
  14. Nice video. I do like variegated clays and Spotted Dicks are interesting too but I'm honing in on what appears to be the brown salt glazed one top center - it's a nice looking example.
  15. Ric

    2 master?

    They look Master to me.
  16. Ric

    Two 4ID

    It's crazy unusual, at least to me, Joe. Now I'm wondering about Marble King possibilities.
  17. Oh brother, I hope it was a typo. I thought the Mellons were bankers. lol
  18. Great pattern on the purple slag, Dave!
  19. Nice ones, Tommy. Is this one peach colored - I know it's a tough color to capture.
  20. Very nice photos, as usual, Gladys - nice looking marbles and amethyst too!
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