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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric

    Tiger Eye ?

    Now I'm just going to goof with you . . . Maybe it would be a very rare and unusual Type II with a white patch on the bottom pole. lol
  2. Ric

    Tiger Eye ?

    We could call it Type IB . . .
  3. Ric

    Tiger Eye ?

    @wvrons It's been fun though! lol And why not a Type I with two equatorial ribbons of the same color - I know it would be unusual and doesn't really fit the definition of a Type I (because they are supposed to have two different color equatorial ribbons) but it sure seams like a possibility to me.
  4. Ric

    Tiger Eye ?

    You're the one that taught me about offset seams! lol It's how some Vitros get the twist in them . . . if you look at the marble with the top patch up and just spin it on its axis like a globe, one seam will be like -- and the other like |. And what I think Rick is saying is that this marble has a pink top patch a white bottom patch and two baby blue equatorial ribbons on a clear transparent base.
  5. Ric

    Tiger Eye ?

    @wvrons I'm back on track - my monitor was off. It's obvious to me now. Related question, but a little different: Have you ever seen a transparent-based Vitro with a colored top patch, a white bottom patch, and two equatorial ribbons of the same color? That's what I was driving at with the question about a Type I Tiger Eye with two equatorial ribbons of the same color.
  6. Ric

    Tiger Eye ?

    So maybe what we have is a pink patch and blue equatorial ribbons veneered on a white base, which I guess just makes it a patch?
  7. Ric

    Tiger Eye ?

    Oh, I know this Ron. My problem was that the top and bottom poles both looked white to me and there appears to be blue around the equator. But I just adjusted the color on my monitor and now it does look like there is a pinkish patch on the top pole.
  8. Ric

    Tiger Eye ?

    Rick says it's veneered so if the top patch has color, and if the bottom patch is white (like it looks to me), would that make it like a Type I Tiger Eye with two blue equatorial ribbons? I may need to calibrate the color on my monitor.
  9. Ric

    Tiger Eye ?

    No doubt, if the patch has color that changes everything - it looks white on my monitor.
  10. Ric

    Tiger Eye ?

    If it's veneered, it's a newer style Whitie. If it's not veneered it's an older style Whitie. Either way, it's a Whitie.
  11. It looks contemporary to me - seems a little too well done for machine made IMO.
  12. Sort of like Schrodinger's Cat - all possibilities are in play at this point. 😀
  13. I think Champion is a good possibility.
  14. I agree with Vitro.
  15. Ric

    Marble king?

    I agree, unfortunately the reflections make them pretty hard to see.
  16. Ric


    I'm thinking the front left may be Akro. The right front one doesn't strike me as MK but I'm not too sure what it is.
  17. I'm thinking about Heaton.
  18. Ric


    Seems like a good possibility to me.
  19. Ric


    I wonder about Vacor possibilities for the back right one but I could see JABO for the others.
  20. Ric


    Not sure about the Cat's Eye but it does look foreign to me. I do think the middle one is Vacor but the right one is giving me a JABO vibe. Although, there are quite a few reflections on the marbles, which makes them a little hard to see.
  21. Ric


    I think so, Melissa. The back right looks like a TriColor and I think the back left and front right would be Royals.
  22. I think the last one is an Oyster, Joep. But I am not sure about the green one - the Cucumbers seem to have more transparent green glass. Maybe @cheese will come around and have a look.
  23. X3 - looks like they cooked it a bit.
  24. until
    In-room trading Thursday and Friday May 4-5 and Marble Show Saturday May 6, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Recommend making reservations early. People are making reservations in February. Probably will be sold out early. PLEASE call the hotel direct for reservations 1-304-489-9600. Mention that you are with the marble show group to get the special discounted room rate. DO NOT make reservations online. May 4-5 and show day Saturday 6th, 2023. Hotel south Parkersburg WV Interstate I-77. Restaurants and Walmart nearby. Show room on Saturday holds 32 tables, last year all were sold out. The WVMCC will furnish FREE Pizza Friday evening. Visit the Stephen Bahr marble show video at the WVMCC show 2022 on You Tube. Hope to see you there.
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