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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Thanks for the info Art, I sorta figured it was MG and not MM. Do you have any loose "potato chip cat's eyes" to trade? I sure would like to have a color palette full.
  2. I just want to say how happy I am you've joined us here, Jeff. Your experience is obvious and adds much to the discussion. So thanks for that!
  3. Ric


    It sure looks orange to me too - not a common color as far as I know. And it's great how the ribbon dips below the surface of the colored transparent base on one edge - gives the illusion of being a two color snake. It's a great marble, no doubt.
  4. Would being CAC make this a HG Red Devil then?
  5. @akroorka Do you think there is any chance someone polished a Vacor Serpent hoping to make it look more like a Superman - even a polished Superman? I am not used to seeing those dark-colored striations in the yellow (pic 2) on a Superman and I am thinking the polish may have burned that pinker red you see on some Serpents to this color, which certainly would make the marble look more like a burnt Superman than an obvious Serpent. I also don't recall seeing a Superman where any view of the marble would not show some yellow (pic 1). People could get pretty devious trying to turn a 25 cent marble into one they can sell for $50. Just some thoughts.
  6. @akroorka I just bought myself a small digital caliper that actually reads out in fractions of an inch - I'm totally stoked!
  7. Thanks, Dave - great addition! I don't have any in MK bags - at least that I can find at the moment. lol
  8. Gotta remember those drafting templates include an allowance for the width of a pencil point - the holes are actually a bit bigger than they are marked.
  9. Since the genes that produce black pigmentation became regulated in a pattern-specific manner.
  10. Akro did not make any cat's eye type marbles, Master Glass did, but Master Marble, which came first, did not. I am not sure which of the Master companies made these crazy potato chip looking ones that may or may not be considered cat's eyes but I wish I had a handful of them.
  11. Yours also has a bit of oven brick, which is way more common in Master than Akro and, to me, the bubbles don't look right for Akro either. But Art is right, Akro probably made a lot more 1" marbles than Master did so . . .?
  12. There is one example in this group of dug MKs that Steph posted in the Study Hall in 2017. And there are a few in this bag of Gladding era Vitros I have . . . You decide. 🙂
  13. Hmmm, kind of a tough call, but I am leaning slightly Master over Akro.
  14. They pretty much do look like All Reds but I think MK made some that are very similar too, and the seams on these look kind of long for Vitro . . .
  15. I can pretty much guarantee that he would of liked that one too.
  16. I've always liked the red glass on those marbles.
  17. Ric


    That is the challenge with lots of Vacor's swirls. Many of them have four ribbons and sometimes a fold can look like a seam . . .
  18. Ric


    That would be my take on it too.
  19. I'd say it's a Red Bee unless there is AV in the red, then it would be a Ruby Bee, I think.
  20. This is certainly the sort of business that is going to require a significant amount of time and effort to build a reputation for honesty and reliability, since you really can't see the entire surface of the marble using the encasement system they appear to be offering. But who knows, maybe they can make it fly. It's surprising that they haven't already posted here to announce the availability of their services.
  21. BitDefender didn't have a problem with the link but I removed it from my earlier post anyway. As for free advertising - sunlight is usually a good disinfectant . . .
  22. I have never heard of a marble grading service or seen a professionally graded and encased marble. I just did a Google search and found the Marble Grading Company. I had never seen it before. It's pretty interesting but I know nothing about the service or who is involved with it. It will be interesting to see what we can learn though. Thanks for pointing it out.
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