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Everything posted by Ric

  1. @schmoozerArm the security system!
  2. Here's a weirdo . . . oxblood ribbons, one of which runs seam to seam right through the center of the marble . . .
  3. The bases are in the "muddy" realm but I don't know if they have a name.
  4. Thanks for that, Chad - I didn't know they had a name. Nice Betty too!
  5. Ric

    Moss agates

    Looks like it to me.
  6. The back right is Akro - I saw a few of them in your group post.
  7. Ric


    The left front is Akro IMO. The rest look mostly Master to me but not entirely sure about the right front one. The back right one is very nice but it'd be good to see what the poles look like to have a better idea about ID.
  8. There are some good ones but there are too many marbles in one post and they are not organized in a way that makes them easy enough for me to refer to. Somebody else may feel like IDing them though.
  9. Ric


    The right one looks Vitro to me but I'd need more than one view to propose an ID for the left one.
  10. These look like Ravenswoods Blue Ravens to me.
  11. Nice group - looks like maybe an Orange Ade 4th from the right in the top row.
  12. Ric


    Not sure about the left one but the right one is giving me a Master vibe.
  13. It does look like a little opalescent glow showing on the nut.
  14. It's a cool mib, Rick - really nice white and the "chevron" action is interesting. It isn't screaming Akro at me but it's not really screaming Peltier either, I wonder about CAC possibilities?
  15. It's an iconic cover, no doubt - epic tongue action, and it looks like he's about as focused as he could be.
  16. I think it's doubtful, Melissa.
  17. Here's a pic of the cover just in case some folks haven't seen it.
  18. Yes, specifically, May 10, 1937.
  19. It's definitely a cool little game, Art. I have a few thoughts FWIW. First, unlike original bags, boxes are obviously easier to back-fill and I have seen these boxes with swirls in them too - transparent ones, if I remember right. The number of marbles you're showing seems a little odd since it's not a multiple of 10, which is what one might expect if the marbles were packaged specifically for the game. It also seems that there are only 6 of each color, even though it would take 10 marbles of the same color for a single player. Also, some of the marbles appear to be 1/2" while others appear to be 9/16", even within the same color group. And while it's very difficult to tell for sure, it appears the marbles may have been produced by more than one company. All of this makes me doubt that the box has its original contents, which is not to say that the box and some of the marbles in it were not sold together with the game.
  20. I think JABO maybe Champion.
  21. Heaton is my first take on it.
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