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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I really don't know but given the bidding war, I sure hope so.
  2. People have gone hard naming Cairos in the past few years and "Glow Worm" is one of the names they came up with. They are simple white swirls in a green glowing base glass.
  3. Here is a fitting photo of David in the JABO warehouse . . . it was taken by Bill McCaleb in 2007.
  4. Thanks for the post, Jeb. Bill talked to me about your project many times and I know that he was very supportive of your efforts. He viewed his participation as a service to the marble community and the next generation. I am sure he would be very pleased to see your efforts coming to fruition. It's just one more way that his impact on the marble community and his memory will live on. I too applaud you for your efforts.
  5. Here are some swirls that aren't often identified . . . from Mid-Atlantic. These are shown in Plate 217 on page 101 of Everett Grist's Big Book of Marbles (3rd ed.)
  6. Ric


    I am sure other companies made moonie type marbles with white opalescent glass but AFAIK only CAC and Akro actually marketed them as Moons or Moonies.
  7. I'd say Vitro for the top right and bottom left ones, and I am leaning slightly away from Vitro and toward Akro on the lower right - not sure about the big one upper left - what size is it?
  8. Ric


    Seems right to me.
  9. Again, I would not expect to see clear transparent glass but some do have colored transparent glass. If you have an example you're wondering about, just post it in the ID section and see what folks think about it.
  10. My favorite day of the week - and there have already been some very nice marbles posted so thanks for that! This one has a nice opalescent base . . .
  11. I wouldn't expect to see clear glass. Although, the patch on some of the peewees is transparent colored glass.
  12. I agree that Veiligglas made some great marbles. My bet is that they simply were not marketed over here so most kids didn't have a chance to own them. But can you imagine the reaction of an American kid who was lucky enough to get a box like this as a gift from a relative living in Europe or maybe a parent returning from an overseas trip? I'll bet they became the talk of the town!
  13. I'll go with JABO on the left and Vitro on the right. The center one is a pretty cool marble, unusual, at least for me, but I'm leaning Marble King.
  14. Yes, a fairly common type of Akro Oxblood Patch.
  15. Definitely a cool one, Art - any idea which run?
  16. I don't think that seam offsetting was intentional or restricted to particular types of Vitros, just something that seems to have happened way more often with Vitros than Akros.
  17. There are a few different types but they are sort of like a "stone" that develops in the GI tract instead of the kidney.
  18. Well, there's a $10 word and I am glad you mentioned it. Long ago I found an object in a big collection of marbles I purchased - honestly, it sort of gave me the heebie-jeebies, and I wondered for years what it might be. I eventually came around to thinking it might be a bezoar, but since it creeped me out so much I stuck it away somewhere and havent thought about it for about 15-20 years. Now I want to see if I can find it but I'm not sure it would be an appropriate post in the ID section - even though it has an interesting pattern and colors. lol
  19. I think the red one is a Peltier - still not sure about the blue one - it may be Vitro. And now I'm thinking the yellow one lower left may be Peltier too.
  20. Looks like an older TriLite to me.
  21. I'm thinking Master too - the AV is a nice bonus!
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