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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric

    It glows!

    Akro Lemonade - a Moss Agate type, I think.
  2. Ric


    It's a nice Vitro.
  3. Nice ones, Art. I do like the look of that Leopard!
  4. Svenska Stenkulor score from my new marble friend, Chris! These are very cool - not clay, that's for sure. They are quite hefty, way more like stone. I really like them!
  5. Nice, Brad, especially for $15! I have two elephants - my sulfide collection is complete too. lol
  6. Ric

    .71 SWIRL

    Not CAC - maybe Jabo. Nice mug. lol
  7. AV in a Vacor is hard to find, no doubt, it's a nice marble but I'm liking the white stuff in the first one too!
  8. Easy to see why it's a favorite - cool marble!
  9. Ric


    That's what I thought.
  10. I'm not sure either, as I also have not seen them before. But if they are Jabo Classics, I think it's really surprising that none of us have seen them before. I would certainly have taken notice, since they look so much like Vitros, at least to me. And I am sure that many of us have found groups of "same run" marbles in a larger group of marbles we found, perhaps marbles from the same bag or box that wound up in a mixed group, and I wonder if that's what we are seeing here. And I do agree, it would be nice to see what Josh @Nantucketdink thinks of these.
  11. Maybe a better question is, what investor run are they from?
  12. Ric


    The one with gold sparkle is a banded lutz. I think #1 (maybe #3) and #7 are divided ribbon cores. I'm not sure about #4 ( @Chad G. ) the rest I think are yellow or white latticinos.
  13. Ric


    I'd guess hand-gathered MFC.
  14. Ric


    The "green" ones are what is called an "Ade base" they probably glow like nuts under UV light - not exactly sure what you call the marbles though - Oxblood Ades maybe?
  15. Ric


    Chads right about the "Silver Oxblood" - my bad!
  16. I don't know - I'm just not seeing JABO, but maybe it's just me?
  17. Ric


    Absolutely, Akro Milky Oxblood. Now you'll never forget what oxblood looks like!
  18. Ric


    It looks Master to me.
  19. It's just because you're special, Steph - good grab!
  20. Ric

    ID help

    Interesting marble, my first guess would be an old style Vacor of some kind.
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