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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I should have quoted, Rick - I was agreeing with his assessment!
  2. OOgly is a good kind of ugly, Gladys - funky, like Art said. I doubt even Art would call that one pretty!
  3. Hey Scott, welcome aboard. There's lots of good stuff here. If you like knives and marbles you'll want to check these out . . .
  4. Ric

    Vitros ?

    The colors are looking a bit more Akro to me.
  5. That is what surprised me the most, I was expecting something more like clay. Thanks again for the loose ones, Chris, and the sealed plastic jar full too! I think they're great - so unique!
  6. Thank you all for posting these items! I really enjoy seeing them, since I don't collect them myself.
  7. Peewees are certainly collectible. Other than the yellow Peltier, I think most of the others are probably Akro or Master.
  8. Ric

    MK or Vitro

    I'm pretty sure the second one in the first pic is Vitro and I think the one with blue probably is too, but the one long seam on that one does cause me a little hesitation.
  9. Nice marble, the first shot looks like a sea serpent or something. There are a few people with extensive knowledge of contemporarys who frequent the board. Hopefully, one of them will chime in but, as Rick said, without a signature mark it might be very difficult to identify.
  10. Ric

    C.A.C ?

    Some sort of transitional is my guess.
  11. Ric

    C.A.C ?

    They look like transitionals but might be American Agates?
  12. Ric

    C.A.C . Alley?

    I'd say Alley but the third might be Ravenswood - it's a little hard to make out the color.
  13. Ric

    C.A.C . Alley?

    I'd say Alley for all but the last one, which looks like it might be a transitional.
  14. Great pics, Gladys - I really like the simple ones with white in colored glass. And I think that yellow on transparent green has a name . . . is it a Sprite?
  15. This is all great stuff, Chad - thanks for posting it!
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