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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I would say foreign, especially given the orange peel texture.
  2. Ric


    Is there anything shimmering inside the marble?
  3. Ric


    I can't see that in the pictures. It just looks like a really dark red marble to me, and if the red is dark enough, it will look black.
  4. It looks like it might be. Sometimes too much light will "wash out" the opalescence. What you're looking for is a a bit of an orange-ish glow. I'll see if I can post some examples in a while. I am away from my files at the moment.
  5. There are lots of Master marbles that only include drab colors. In fact those with brighter more vivid colors are far less common.
  6. Ric


    Almost every company made transparent marbles using colored glass. Some folks call them purees. Without some sort of structure, swirling, a patch or an opaque color, they are pretty much impossible to identify. And although, there might be a couple of very specific colors that can be attributed to a maker, red is not one of them.
  7. It's Vitro and it does have colors found on many Opals, so if the base is opalescent, I am all in with Chad.
  8. Ric


    I'm with you Chad. It's a little too nice for Kokomo, IMO. I mean, I really like Kokomo marbles, even though they tend not to be the highest quality marbles around. I think their "rustic-ness" is one of their most attractive qualities.
  9. Ric


    Thanks for the thoughts, folks! I think the two flanking the swirly marble in the last pic are almost certainly Kokomo, because when I put them in with a group of other Kokomo marbles they fit right in. The first marble I posted doesn't blend in with the Kokomos as well, but it is an odd marble, so who knows.
  10. Ric

    Pelt? Akro?

    The black really is nice so I doubt MK. I can see why you ask about the base, and it may well be black. But I think this marble is too nice to find out the easy way. lol. And it is true black - there isn't a hint of any other color that I can find, even using a loupe and a very bright light. So I will go with Akro and just be surprised that I haven't seen another quite like it. Thanks to EVERYONE for the thoughts!
  11. Ric

    Pelt? Akro?

    I agree it'd be a weird Pelt. Problem is, I think it would be a weird Akro too. lol The base color color has me confused.
  12. Ric

    Pelt? Akro?

    It's a really nice black. Have you seen that greenish-yellow base color on an Akro? It seems like a Pelt or Akro patch are most likely. I can't imagine what else it might be except, maybe foreign?
  13. They both look like Akros to me - weak Corkscrews?
  14. Ric


    Thanks for the input. For the two marbles pictured with the OP . . . did Kokomo ever flash up on your radar?
  15. Ric

    Pelt? Akro?

    It's true black: no AV.
  16. Ric


    Here it is with a couple of others I think might be Kokomo:
  17. It seems like the temperature of the glass, how viscous it was, when it hit the cup would have a significant impact on the result, maybe "thicker" glass would have provided the "resistance" you mention. I'd also be interested to know the distance between the funnel at the bottom of the tank, where the glass exited, and the spinner cup.
  18. It never occurred to me before, but now that you say it - sure does look like a lollipop, or some sort of hard candy. But I can guarantee you'd bust a tooth biting into it. lol
  19. Ric


    The base is opaque and there are more than two ribbons - maybe four, but its hard to tell. One seam is pretty obvious and I think there is another somewhere, maybe, it might be in a fold. A hair over 5/8" I was thinking maybe an odd Kokomo?
  20. Ric


    It's a weird one . . . . . . about 5/8"
  21. Jabo made a 15/16" marble that had those colors and fluoresced. Although the ones I have seen had quite a bit more clear glass in them. I'll look for the one I have and will try to get back here later.
  22. I think there is no doubt about it.
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