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cat's eye jack

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Everything posted by cat's eye jack

  1. i'll try to make myself a little clearer when asking about boxed sets. in grists book let's say akro agate companys box of 50 tri color corkscrews. were these boxes available on a daily basis or maybe just special occasions. that's sorta what i was asking before and would like to know about the other companies policies. thanks, jack
  2. i have been wondering for the longest time. it seems none of the marble books that i have seen attribute any dates on the factory sets. am i to assume the sets would be available from the years the company stays in business?. i especially like that box of 100 assorted akro-special marbles (big book of marbles 2nd ed. plate 215) in that book he does attempt to date a box of akros with a v and some morse code, plate 207 but in whole that's about it. i hope this rambling will make sense to someone lol. thanks, jack
  3. some of my 3/8" marble king cat's. never could find any of the blacks though. thanks, jack
  4. could you do me a big favor and remove those pictures on marble id. don't think anyone would be interested. thanks, jack
  5. outstanding marble bubba, don't get much better than that........jack
  6. i've never seen any cat's eyes so intense as these 5/8" marbles. i only have these 8, don't remember seeing them anywere else. thanks, jack
  7. thanks for looking, i don't think they are brushed. thanks, jack
  8. been pulling out my hair trying to count how many vanes in this 9/16" cat...any ideas?
  9. my wife and i are so very sorry to hear of the loss of your father, he will be in our prayers. jack and linda
  10. pretty cool duffy...1890-1910???i'd guess. thanks, jack
  11. hi steph, i think you got it. these old eyes were fooling me for a while. guess that's why you get paid the big bucks. thanks, jack................thank you also al.
  12. just got this 5/8" 9 vane cat's eye with what appears to be an additional 10th vane. any opinions would be appreciated thanks, jack
  13. my wife has bid on 2 lots of caged cat's.....jack
  14. haven't missed a day. sure hope we get a lot of votes tomorrow....jack
  15. nice marbles al, really like that mesh bag, it's way cool............jack
  16. bag say's PAAS cat's eye glass marbles international distributors memphis tenn, made in japan...i'd never heard of them before..........thanks, jack
  17. my wife opened a bag of paas cat's eye marbles and got this crazy egg shape marble. i think it was meant to be 3/4" but hard to tell. uncommon??? thanks, jack
  18. hi alan, i get mine at dollar tree. two 22"x 28" for a buck. thanks, jack
  19. hi david, never thought about making lids. i'd guess 1/16 larger should work, very good idea. thanks, jack
  20. years ago i used to do a little sheet metal fabrication and lately i needed some small boxes for my marbles. i remembered the box making technique i used in sheet metal and tried cardboard in it's place. the cardboard i use is from dollar tree, 2-22"x28" for $1. picture#1 shows basic layout. the 2 1/2" holds 4- 5/8" marbles and the 3/8" works for the sides and ends. picture #2 shows the bends that you make and the little tabs can be taped or use super glue. picture #3 shows marbles in the box. inside measurements can be changed to fit other size marbles. give some a try, they are quick and easy. thanks, jack
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