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MC Marbles

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Everything posted by MC Marbles

  1. There are single ribbon Pelt Rainbos.
  2. A few opinionated people do not speak for everyone here. Post what you want and forget about the PIA's
  3. Neat Box! I find the yellow ones interesting also.
  4. I think it could be an "Alley Opal Lady"
  5. It is the same marble. He is trying to sell it again.
  6. The first link is a current eBay listing.
  7. Do you remember this one?? http://www.ebay.com/itm/201293604579?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT http://marbleconnection.com/topic/17730-is-this-the-real-thing/?hl=%2Bscenic+%2Bchina
  8. Here is an old net photo I had Labeled Exotics...but I must admit, I do not know what qualifies for the "Exotic" Name. These I would call CAC stripped transparents & CAC stripped opauges. Was "An Exotic" a MarbleAllan given name?? (Sorry photo was removed by request.}
  9. Not common. I have this style with white ribbons, mint green and red each on choc. base.
  10. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1946-orig-ARTICLE-MARBLES-IN-HIS-STOMACH-little-boy-swallows-18-glass-MARBLES-/151586328814?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item234b3fd0ee I guess this made him a REAL marble shooter.....
  11. I believe it is a Type 2 Tiger-eye. (Some of my favorites) I have one similar. The orange on mine is kind-of washed out. Yellow-Full orange band -Yellow (Photo Right) I also have one in reverse.... Org-Yellow-Org (Photo Left)
  12. I saw two sparklers hiding in there, but still.... Not sure on the snake, could be nice.
  13. It looks like a Pelt Blue Galaxy. It was a lot of money on a maybe... What about condition? Maybe better photos were sent to the high bidders. What I do not get...Why not buy one at a show and see exactly what you are buying? (and for less $$ )
  14. I guess they person who offered $50 for this lot via Buy-It-Now was a little low..LOL
  15. This one was fun to watch in the last few minutes. (A real shoot out!) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-lot-115-Marbles-ESTATE-BUY-/251816988242
  16. More common marbles can be bought very reasonably. When you go to a show, some new people become aware the marbles they own are not as rare as they thought. You will also see stuff you never knew existed. There are dollar bins and also marbles with price tags of thousands of dollars Something for everyone. It is a great experience. I wish I was in Canton right now....
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