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Everything posted by romanoak

  1. Clyde, I remember when you got that peewee. I'm always focussed on bigger mibs but that one is special. The piece from the ship balast is too cool. Talk about adding perspective to our precious balls of glass. The peewee I have came out of a bag of 8 ground pontil slags at an auction of a long closed up antique shop. I think I paid $40 for all of them. It was interesting that the fellow who had the shop 20 years ago sorted those out and recognized they were different. Bill
  2. marbles34 nice group. Does the green base one lower center have blue swirls? Or is it my monitor. I can't recall seeing that combination before and I know I don't have one.Bill
  3. Scott, Yes the butterfly came from running rabbit. The translucent is not the one that was on the boards several years ago. I tried to get that one several times. It was a bit smaller and actually had more turns of color. Funny how we can look at a marble and not see it. I never concluded that the "brown" one was amber base glass but you are right it is. Now that's like a new marble to enjoy:-). Think maybe we can keep a thread going with just marbles? Bill
  4. Scott, That's impressive, what a great pattern. I have one but not as busy and only 2-3/16. Do see some very intriguing colors and patterns occasionally but jeez I can't collect everything. Bill
  5. Just a few more. The three with oxblood are 1/5/16+ and all came out of Australia in 97. The red white and blue is 1-1/4 and the translucent white with lavender is 1-5/8. The strange light brown and yellow is 15/16 and i have never seen another close to that color combination. The case is just a mix of single pontils, most are melted. Enjoy, Bill
  6. Here are a few of mine including a peewee. Beautiful marbles that I really need to have Bill Tow photograph them for me. But here goes try and imagine them in hand as my pics aren't close. The two largest are an inch and the one with the peeweee is 7/8 Bill
  7. Bill, I know where you are coming from. Not many of mine somebody can talk me out of either. I'm hoping to make AMANA but mother nature may keep me away, Our last mare isn't due to foal until the first of June and I don't leave the farm before she foals. We also have 2 Ky Derby horses this year and if either ends up going on to the Belmont which is Amana weekend I guess that would preempt Amana for me. So I'm definitely possibly coming to Amana or not:-) Bill
  8. Wow, thats spectacular. How does the adventurine look when it is backlit? In a marble it shows best when a light shines on it, so does the window show the adventurine better on the outside in the sunlight? Bill
  9. Bill, As usual you knock the wind out of all the bickering and name calling when you post. I'm pretty sure it's because everyone is slobbering and drooling so much from your pics that they can't remember what they were arguing about before. You must be getting tired of some of those marbles by now, (THE BLUE WITH MOTTLED WHITE MF SLAG)hint hint. I'd loan you a big green one to hold and I could give that one some new friends for a while. Bill
  10. Galen, I agree with you. Did you ever try to P upwind? You have about as much chance of keeping your shoes dry as thinking that Ebay or the sellers that list new marbles in the vintage category give a rats assssss about how you or I feel about it. Bill
  11. Scott, My refrence to "greiner" goes back to a posting war about "transitions" and the use of the term on one of the boards several years ago when one who should have known better said how will we feel if they MAY all turn out to be contemporaries. My reply was anyone who feels that way let me know because I will gladly buy them. The result was research by I think Brian G. turned up German doccuments supporting these as being made by a glass house in Germany run by a family "Greiner". The documents confirmed these to likely be pre cane cut marbles. Someone on the board may have the info from that discussion still. I still think they are some of the most intrigueing marbles and fall victim to their charms far to often. Bill
  12. Andrea, Thanx, sorry for the lousy pics. The green with yellow spots came from the same source as several of my other exotic ones. It has a single facetted pontil and has a spiral of white(?)emmenating from the pontil much like a single pontil slag. I haven't seen another like it but it was one of those marbles you just know you want it when you see it and just hope it won't hurt to much. If I get time I'll try to get some better pics to post. BTW liked the ones you have posted especially the blue base and the opaque one. Bill
  13. Lets see how long I can stay connected. See if I can get a couple pics up. Bill
  14. Scott, So I've been called out.:-) My pics of my "Greiners" are on the other computer and I can't get it to stay connected to the wifi. I'll see if I can get some more pics. The biggest I have is 1-5/8 and I do have a peewee it is white swirls in clear so not very spectacular. As a group it is hard to believe the range of colors they used in those early mibs. Bill
  15. Jeroen, I had the oportunity to see and hold a 2"+ single pontil green mist lutz about 8 years ago . I don't think it was the one that Danny sold in his auction but the purchase price was $10k. The collector that had it has since then sold his collection so don't know where it is now. That is the only big single pontil one I have seen. I have seen several two pontil over an inch, but they are rare. Bill
  16. Ken, Well I interviewed a slightly smaller population, but due to complaints from the striped transparents about being left out I included them. Total was 70 striped opaques, eight guineas and or cobras, and four striped trans. total # 82 single seam 25 30% 30 degree 11 14% 60 degree 12 15% 180 degree 29 35% Have no Idea what it means I didn't select for seam style mainly eye appeal and a few came in groups. Bill
  17. The gutta percha is 2-1/16, and the big agate is 1-15/16. Bill
  18. Here are some pics of some of my non glass antiques. The green dyed agate is 1-1/4, The one with the star and rings on it looks like mocha base. Bill
  19. "Opaque guinea" I owe everyone an apology. That term is my fault. I complain louder than most about the silly name game as many of you already know. About 6 years ago at New Philly show I saw those and one with a yellow base. The first thing I said was wow they look like a guinea on opaque glass and jokingly called them opaque guineas. It got repeated and you know the rest of the story. If I can get some good pics of mine including the yellow base I'll post them, although i think they are pictured in one of Blocks books. Bill
  20. Hoping to make a quick run up probably Sat. Bill
  21. Hi Ken, Sorry but you can't convince me that those are Jabos, I don't see any lutz and that one in the second group looks like it has a pontil so they can,t be contemporaries either. Too bad, as brightly colored as those are they make me think of the circus (marbles). Hope I'll get to Indy show always fun to see your Spectacular Chrissies. Bill
  22. Andrea, The use of the term cloud changed in some circles. When I started collecting it was used to describe a single pontil marble. Then with the advent of online auctions and a couple of ID books the term cloud took on a different meaning basically an onionskin with minimal stretching of the outer layer of color with any number of pontils. Bill
  23. Green solid core and a nice red and green onion. Bill
  24. Here are some red and green handmades ribbon cores. Bill
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