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Akro gatherer

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  1. It seems that the 3/4" one sell for about $1.00 each. these are the commons. the flames, adventurine, gold, or other rarities sell for more. there was a flame that was oxblood, eggyolk, and other stuff that went very high on abay. it was a one of a kind i was told by my favorite Notre Dame grad. I cant afford the high end ones but would pay more than 1.00 for some. These new 1" ones may go higher than 1.00 because it takes more glass and effort to make these. still not bad. of course the rarer/nicer ones will go for more. but in the end something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
  2. My apologies. Sometimes I get excited and just type without thinking, reading, looking, or breathing. The last one is especially bad if it is a long post.
  3. i never knew jabo made cateyes either. they did once order some japanese cateyes, cant remember why, but they can and have been dug at the plant and i was told there was some big-uns somewhere there.
  4. But there are some (one) that says Galen's opinion is needed here and blah blah blah. The same people (person) sticks up for him from time to time. As Mermaid man says on SpongeBob "Evil is afoot".
  5. post #2...the red swirl looks nice. they all look nice. thats just what stands out to me.
  6. i have heard before 1. collect what you like 2. this hobby should not be undertaken for an investment 3. i have pretty eyes 4. they are only marbles 5. there was something else....... so.... 1. i agree. if you collect what you don't like then you will not enjoy your collection. 2. i understand this one until the show of the month and then i go hmmmmm. 3. If you say so. 4. Man this was a very deep and thought out thread to begin with but then the commoners got to it and dumbed it down. 5. Oh yeah............
  7. I thought WV was the marble capital of the early 20th century. But these marble have me a little excited. I would like to see them and also get some.
  8. What size hook do you use for those things?
  9. Definition of marble venture: Standing on a hill of mud in the rain with your feet sunk in so deep you cant move finding 90% white peewees but still loving it. Then a buckskin rolls out only top see that is has a huge flat side. Marble venture. And then the bananas...
  10. i would rather see the people responsible for making the marbles rather than the diggers. We are called grave robbers after all. The biggest one ever is on your list there.
  11. Wow that really........nope didn't change a thing. And I never used HIS name in my post. Because HE is not the only one. And I am not taking away anyone's freedom of speech but I am speaking of their constant negativity. I could care less because when I type I mostly laugh as I do it. That is caused by the pettiness that some of you possess, the unbridled wish-washiness that some of you possess, and the banana that I possess... P.S. I feel that I was not nasty. Nasty would be throwing around curse words with symbols in place of a letter, direct personal attacks, or referring to SP and his board in any way (Now that's nasty).
  12. i stink at pics. the are a few bubbles in each and in hand the red is like an inner swirl. the three all have different shades of the red. i would call the base a dark yellow/orange.
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