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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. The idea of 'same run' marbles was brought up elsewhere. It got me wondering about a couple things, and since the original poster wasn't intending to get into a technical discussion, I'm hoping it's proper 'forum decorum' to start another topic. For now, I'll just ask one of my two questions. Because of the great education several people gave me a while back about how marble 'sizing' is determined, and also because of the terrific photos that have been posted of both old advertising and 'salesman cases', it's clear that many of the 'classic' manufacturers often made a certain 'type' of marble in many sizes. So how was this actually done at the factory? Are we talking about separate machines for each size cranking out marbles at the same time? Or could there be a reason to have all your machines making the same size all at once, and then switching them all over to another size when you think you've made enough? Thanks!
  2. The question was a little misleading. That was the 'honorary' name I gave to a specific pink Ace that had a particularly nice 'S' pattern. ( :
  3. These are great-looking! Hard to argue with the deal you got!
  4. I like the mental image I get from your idea. But if someone else wants to literally do it, I'll let them. Maybe Jessica could make this a project when she cranks up Photoshop!
  5. Forgot to ask the 'flora' people something about that last photo I posted. This flower is tiny! The petal part of it is barely more than an inch across. This one and one other came up at the same time as a whole bunch of totally similar but larger and what I'd think of as more 'normally sized' ones did. It doesn't seem to fit into the idea of a normal 'range' of size. Is it a different breed? Or are there actually 'dwarf' or 'little flower' varieties at times?
  6. Glad you responded to this post. I'd temporarily lost track of it and had wanted to ask Lloyd and/or other critter-knowledgeable people what the 'deal' was with possums. I think it was mentioned here once that 'fora' might be the proper snobby plural of 'forum'. (I have no idea who the jerk was that mentioned it!) Wonder if 'possa' might be okay. ( :
  7. Double whammy! Wasn't expecting that! Alyce, I'm not sure if you've been around long enough to know that the Aces are on my very limited list of 'favorite marbles of all time". Also, the very mention of 'Berry Pink' is likely to make someone who's on a temporary sabbatical spontaneously reappear! On a completely different note , have you ever seen 'The Stephanie' marble?
  8. A little while back I got a wonderful mail surprise 'banana-wise'. I was enjoying all the different colors and shapes so much, that I emphasized this in the photo I took to thank the people involved. But it just hit me that I never took 'the' photo that the people here who understand how my goofy brain works would 'expect' me to take. So here it is!
  9. A Christmas present? That would be a nice one! Personally, it scares the heck out of me. I've never been able to develop a 'working relationship' with it. But I sure admire the people here who are able to make it work so well! ( :
  10. Even if they're not rare, I'm sure we'd all enjoy seeing them. But it sounds like you might really have something! Mine, at tape-measure accuracy, seems to be 15/16ths. She would appear to be somewhat 'common', but she's really pretty and I'm very fond of her!
  11. Hope you had an ample stockpile of food and supplies to get through it!
  12. Great marbles and photos! But you have me feeling a little guilty now. I was trying to say that you don't need to change a thing. Your photos have always been just fine. More than fine, actually. With the good lighting and the multiple views, they've always been exactly what most people here want to see. Mine, on the other hand, usually aren't. Most of the time I like to try to be a little artsy-fartsy, but it's just because I enjoy it so much. No one here complains, because most of my marbles aren't anything to write home about, so I can have a single view with shadows and reflections and it's not like anyone's missing anything they haven't seen before. And, of course, because everyone here's so nice. Your last two shots are beautiful, but please don't think this is a 'requirement'! You've already got the important stuff 'down'!
  13. Galen, it looks likes there's a little 'skin indentation' going on in the second photo. Does that mean this neat-looking thing has springs? And is this a 'ready aim fire' two people at once situation? That would be pretty aggressive, but I like it. I'm reminded of a recent Griff post where he mentioned how things used to be less 'p.c.' but a lot more fun. ( :
  14. Lloyd, we'd probably kill ourselves. I'm picturing us trying to figure out how to get the perfect angle for some theoretical photo of that beautiful scenery you have out there. Having exhausted other possibilities, I'm guessing we'd come up with something like rolling ourselves in bubble-wrap and launching into the air with the help of a giant bungee-cord slingshot.
  15. Hah! Like the subtle distinctions! Been trying to get my monitor adjusted properly lately. Must have it right because the names all make sense. Ann, the left one in the pair of mibs is just crazy! And is that aventurine or similarly fun stuff in a couple of those lines?
  16. Okay! I'm going to stop sounding like a hoity-toity art critic and get back to the weather! April showers last night and today.
  17. The 'thanks' belong to you! Those are some interesting facts and thoughts!
  18. I like the 'wild' idea. If something special 'finds you' then it's kind of like you've been 'given a sign'. ( : Regarding the different categories here, there's not much to worry about. And you're definitely not in the wrong place. Sometimes there's quite a bit of overlapping with what might be implied by different subject/titles. I'm guessing that the 'do it yourself' topic started off as a place where you'd post a photo you thought was particularly 'calendar-worthy', although at this point it also includes shots that are interesting for whatever reason. Of course if you're feeling creative, you could start a new one. I'll bet a title like 'Love Those Akros' would be pretty popular.
  19. Hoping to hear an old joke from Darla soon. Just flew in from Vegas! ....and boy are my arms tired! But in this case it'll be because she's carrying two duffel bags full of silver dollars!
  20. Thanks as always, Jessica, for all the great Akros! Along with 'my name' and 'what day it is', I can't remember if I or anyone else asked you if you're also fond of non-marble Akro stuff. That's one of the topics that seems to surface here for short periods of time every few years. ( :
  21. Thanks, Ann. It was only recently that I got to learn about agate(s) in a general sense, thanks to many educational contributions from our great people here. The first and foremost fact that I needed to learn was that agate is a stone. That lead to being able to understand all the information that followed from this. As such, I probably should have put two and two together and considered the possibility that 'moss agate' might also be an actual, slightly more specific, stone. But I didn't. So I'm glad you pointed it out. Just looked it up, and on one of those mystical/magical gemstone sites found this. Moss agates are considered the most powerful of the agates. It was the agate of warriors. That's a powerful statement, regardless of whether one believes in minerals having 'special properties' or not. So I'm thinking maybe this idea of being the 'best' of the agates made it a logical choice for a marble 'brand name'. Don't know at this point if any of the marbles labeled as such were trying to look similar to the original stone or not. ( :
  22. Thanks for the responses. Can I take this a little further? In my usual slow way, it just hit me to ask where the 'moss' comes from. I don't know what other moss agate variations look like, or even whether it has something to do with appearance or something completely different. Maybe there's a really good story here, where during the experimental stage of these marbles the 'secret lady friend', named Miss Moss, of a high-ranking Akro executive said she thought these were the prettiest marbles ever!
  23. Lloyd, you're a nut! Which, in a 'takes one to know one' way, of course I mean as a high compliment!
  24. I like the idea of the pool table top. Kind of keeps things precise and honest having a perfect surface. Come to think of it, not having to get down on what's left of my knees sounds pretty good too!
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