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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. Okay. With luck this will be a larger image. Hopefully you can see that G A T E S and " (maybe) look more than reasonable.
  2. I tried to post an image, and it failed miserably. I'll give it one more shot in a few minutes.
  3. Ooooh! 'Outside the box' thinking! This is getting interesting! The 'Christensen' concept looked good. But the 'Akro Agates' one does too. Here's the difference, at least as I'm seeing it. And I'm approaching this as an 'impartial observer', since I don't know anything at all about this stuff. 'Christensen' looks right at first for the printing you can see above the label. Sort of. At least the 'SEN' at the end looks feasible. But the 'AGATES' theory shows better odds. If you assume that those last two 'dot-like' things aren't part of the lettering (maybe a quotation mark?), then the previous 5 or possibly 6 bits that we see could easily fit in with the printing of 'AGATES'. The top of the final 'TES' is pretty clear, and what you see in front of that are a less clear but still fairly convincing tops of a 'G' and 'A'. For the 'A' you only see the smallest piece of the top-most point. My two cents, for what it's worth! ( :
  4. Your last two posts have me wondering if you got a Christmas bonus that's burning a hole in your pocket!
  5. I'm in the middle of this movie right now. ('Bells Are Ringing', with Judy Holliday, Dean Martin, and Jean Stapleton) Although I'm not a huge fan of 'musicals' overall, a nice happy one is a great thing on a dreary rainy weekend day. I am kind of crazy about Judy Holliday. She was a genius (literally!), and I think it showed in her acting. In this movie she's a telephone operator at an answering service. She has a very caring nature, and adapts herself to the needs of her clients, although her boss would prefer that she act like a robot. In the case of Dean Martin's character, she's always pretended to be an older woman, because she thinks he needs the guidance of a 'mother-figure'. Of course she winds up 'falling for him'!
  6. Neat game. But I have a feeling 'Mom' might not have completely agreed with the indoors designation!
  7. Warding off hungry bears. Straightening bent thimbles. What will Johnnie's marbles do next.......? ( :
  8. There will be many people who don't 'get' this post. That's okay. You probably 'get' people that I don't. But those of you who were born with the 'Karen gene' will probably agree that it's unlikely there will ever be another singer whose voice turns you into a mass of quivering jello quite as much as this lady's did. ( :
  9. Danged global warming! It's been weirdly 'pleasant' around here, too. And thanks, Alyce! I always like to try to come up with something on overcast days. They work so well with digital photos, which can look 'warm' like Steph mentioned if exposed correctly. ( :
  10. From the animated movie 'Hotel Transylvania'. I sort of liked this pouting bat. Looks a lot like I do first thing in the morning.
  11. Here are some 'Winter Run' marbles in an Akro 'Mexicali' sombrero lid. I have no idea why. ( :
  12. I was sorry to hear we lost Joe.
  13. I wish I'd been as fortunate as others to have known him. One almost never sees such 'density' of both grief and praise as has been expressed here. He must have been a magnificent human being.
  14. kbobam

    Math Humor

    Like it ! (Was a little confused at first, misreading the natural logarithm as the Los Angeles function)
  15. That's great! I like the "Hi! I'm a deer! How're you doing?" attitude. ( :
  16. That's too amazing for words! I'm awe-struck!
  17. I just figured out the 'bottom line' of what I was feeling in that last post. Of course the 'more educated' should leave things unsaid so that others at their level can find amusement in their immediate appreciation of what's being shown to them. But it would be nice with a topic of this nature to eventually have it explained exactly what 'chameleon' effect is being assumed.
  18. It's a real beauty, isn't it? You can see in my last post how I couldn't stay focused on the language thing either! (And of course we should start a new forum/thread/whatever about that anyway.) I don't know if Dave's going to tell us any more about it. He hasn't been very forthcoming so far! Didn't say a word about my '7Up' idea, so I have no idea if that was the 'chameleon' part of his earlier marble or if I just made another of my traditional stupid comments. ( :
  19. The beer mug was another of my 'Dollar Tree' deals. Wasn't worth posting in that sense, but it gave me an extra bonus tonight.
  20. Yes. That one makes you feel good. ( :
  21. (Edited for content) Was taking a gulp from my big frosty mug of healthy mountain spring water earlier. Saw all sorts of crazy stuff and thought "Gee, I'm getting more refreshed than I expected!" Turned out that the etchings in the glass were getting lit (nope, that would be too easy) by the computer monitor in front of me. Looked pretty good, so here's the photo. ( :
  22. (This will be kind of gross, for those who aren't in the mood to read any further) I learned about this the hard way. Many years ago a section of highway I traveled regularly suddenly had a massive amount of 'avian carnage' everywhere you looked. It bothered me not only for the obvious reasons, but also because I couldn't make any sense out of birds being hit by cars other than on rare occasions. Later, it was explained to me that those berries were in 'full bloom', and the birds were so out of their minds that they couldn't tell the difference between a potential mate and a Mack truck. The color of the berries made it all look even more horrific.
  23. Man, that really stinks. Just in time for your 'joyous' holiday season, too. I've always been pretty much a 'turn the other cheek' kind of guy, but the more examples of this I hear about, the more I think the people who do this stuff need a seriously painful response to their actions. Hope you can blot this out enough to still have some enjoyable holiday moments. ( :
  24. Ha! I didn't think of that. My kitchen trash bags hang from the knobs on lower cabinets. These are normal plastic bags from various merchants. But I never use the Walmart bags, which are already not as good-looking as the ones shown here, because they always have holes in the bottom which leak coffee-ground run-off all over the floor. ( :
  25. What the heck? It's Friday night and I'm already 'tipping at the jug' a little, and am a little confused. But I like it! It's making me think of a (wait while I look up the word) kaleidoscope!
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