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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. Graphically outrageous! I love it. ( :
  2. Interesting concept, Inspector! Wouldn't have thought of it. ( :
  3. My favorite glowing JABO. I'm almost certain I have a photo I took of it, but can't find it. But I do have a copy of the original auction photo.
  4. Hey Morgan My hunting has all been on-line, but there're about a gazillion people here who'll know exactly the thrill you're talking about. Be sure to check out 'The Lounge'. It's basically this board's "chat-room" if you feel like talking about something other than marbles. We have a diverse group of interesting polite people here, and there's none of the 'gibberish' and worse that you see in many 'chat' type places. Welcome aboard! Bob ( :
  5. New one for me! One heck of a cat.
  6. I don't know much about this particular topic. But as a boy (who's now old as dirt) who started out in Queens and wound up at the upper extremities of the 'Lower East Side', I'd like to point out the significance of one of Mr. Moriarty's comments. If this guy was 'odd' enough not to fit in with the 'artist community in NYC', then he must have been 'right off the charts'! Which, of course, doesn't mean that he wasn't a 'freaking genius' in the projects he pursued. ( :
  7. Nice marble for me too. (You know, in some cultures, my admiration of your marble would obligate you to give it to me immediately!) The photo is nice, too. You did an impressive combination of setting both the camera and the 'environment' beautifully to get that entirely sharp focus on the marble with the 'soft' background. ( :
  8. Thanks for agreeing with me and politely correcting my lousy spelling!
  9. As for the latter questions, I think the Queen's English would be "...before they done cast that'n?"
  10. Great puppies of all ages! Just saw this cat food commercial for the first time. On a connected, but also separate note, I've always enjoyed and admired the high-intensity titles frequently given to Japanese television shows. They often 'fit' very well. So my personal title for this commercial is "Way High Power-Neener Super Tongue Kitty!!!"
  11. The last one was funny even before I picked up on the double-meaning. ( : http://www.arkive.org/meerkat/suricata-suricatta/
  12. What are you supposed to do with it? That's hilarious! And Skyler! You can't go 'over' in these number challenges. 50 feet would have been a much more 'strategic' guess! ( :
  13. I just stumbled upon this today. Don't remember it being mentioned before. Although my gut feeling is that it probably has been, so sorry if this is old news. ( : http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/marble-mindfulness-george-toth/1031018056?ean=9781450282789
  14. kbobam


    I really like Bo's silvery gray and crystal mib. There's something about 'monochrome'. This may have something to do with my several decade affair with Tri-X black and white film. Also, with this particular marble, those of you who have bears as their 'spirit animal' will see a friendly bear-face saying "Hi! How're you doing?" ( :
  15. I was hoping no one would notice that slight omission! Only had one egg in the fridge today, and while I realized that a photo of the beautiful finished product would be a plus, I had to balance that with the realization that by the time I took a photo the egg would be somewhat less than 'good eats'. The precision and perfection of this process can spoil you! If any of you wind up wanting the 'commercial' version of this product, I have a special offer for TMC people! I'll send you a second Egg-Bobber for no additional cost! (Just add extra postage and handling.) I don't think anyone has ever made an offer like that in the history of sales!
  16. Edit-- (Sunday! Drinking beer! And I'm about to go on endlessly about cooking an egg! Please save for later or skip entirely if you're not in the mood!) Yes Friends! I'm here today to tell you about a cooking revolution! And 'revelation' for that matter! It's the amazing new "Egg-Bobber"! A 'must have' for the modern kitchen! So anyway, that's what my late-night commercials are going to sound like in the near-future. But even before I make my million dollars, I'm going to show you how you can do this yourself. (I just care about my TMC friends so much!) Okay, I've been trying to be funny here. But seriously, if you've never tried anything along these lines, you'll be surprised at what a perfect egg you can prepare. Cut off the end of an open can. (Whatever method you use, be careful!) File everything down smoothly, so you don't hurt yourself in the next step, which is to rub some butter on the can's inner wall. Place the piece of can in the center of your frying pan, with the 'factory seam' edge face-down on the pan. Pre-heat the pan at a fairly low heat for a good five minutes. (This will make things more consistent, so you'll be able to 'fine-tune' your cooking time to get the perfect egg for you!) Now it's time to drop an "I have no discipline!" amount of butter in the can. Let that heat another minute while you prepare your timer. I set mine for two minutes, but that's for a hot but slightly runny yoke. Adjust your time accordingly. The great thing about this technique is that the white and yoke stay in perfect balance regardless of the overall 'doneness' you prefer. By combining frying and steaming techniques, and compressing the egg's 'fingerprint', neither part of the egg is over or under 'done'. And it has that great McDonald's 'look'! Carefully drop in your egg, and cover the can with a small plate. Start timer. When done, twist the can back and forth, then lift. Carefully scoop up your perfect egg.
  17. Hilarious in multiple dimensions!
  18. It's very Bond-like! (In the shadows, the turn signals look like they could be rocket-launchers.)
  19. The battery's in the trunk? I like this car! That's old-school high-performance thinking. I want to say the original Shelby Mustangs did this as well, but I'm not positive. Still, it's a logical way to help balance the front/rear weight ratio. So in spite of all the high-tech stuff in this car, they're not completely abandoning time-honored concepts. Nice! ( :
  20. I remember a beginner's car repair guide from years ago which had a funny cover. A very perplexed guy was looking into the trunk (in the front) of an old Beetle, and scratching his head. I feel the same way looking at this! ( :
  21. kbobam

    The 'look'!

    I haven’t done an example of ‘the look’ for a while. Don’t even know why this intrigues me somehow. I think maybe because it’s funny and horrific at the same time. This is from “Chef!”, a really good older ‘Brit-Com’. Chef, on the left, has effed-up like he never has before. His wife is giving him the classic ‘flaming daggers’, and his buddy on the right is doing a pretty good job as well, for a guy. But there’s no question about it. With a single look, women can paralyze a man with fear more than any other guy ever could. ( :
  22. You? How about old Lower East Side Bob?! Great answers, Ric and Gary! Without having more data to work with, I'd say Mets and City are both winners! ( : Can't take any credit at this point, but guess 'Jets' would work too.
  23. My mistake! I knew it was one of you guys! ( :
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