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Everything posted by duffy

  1. yup thats it catfish....eddies doin well ....hes started playin and will not leave me alone...hes gotta be close by his daddy...lolol....hes taken up lounge space under my picture takin light and he WANTS to be there...he caught a mouse the other night in the mud room and he was real proud of it...he haint wantin to go outside...but then again its 20 degrees....but im tellin ya there haint nothin more a pain in the neck than a 10 pound kitten.....
  2. the name is in the title david....i think one of the reasons the investor runs are ending is that they all are startin to look alike...i got marbles made in nov...i believe 3 or 4 runs and i cant tell em apart....
  3. i would like one but do i have to go thru that wbsite...im afraid the shipping would be skyhigh...are you sellin em outright craig
  4. just got em in...contact me for bulk sales...thanks steve
  5. http://theintelligencer.net/page/content.detail/id/549294/Fox-to-Join-Martha-Stewart-on-Show.html?nav=510
  6. ive been workin on an old house thats on the national road...u.s. 40 since labor day..it was built in the 1860 but was remodled into a duplex in the 70s...ive tore the back porch and deck off the past few days and i found these three....more to come im sure...
  7. put away the books and turn off your google and talk to ron shepard and brian graham...these guys will help you more than you could imagine....the books are full of errors and were written as a self promotion...these forums are ego-driven and will confuse before educating...youve gotta talk to people who made and played marbles...not those who sell them...or are into it for money....keep it simple and remember that fun and comradrie is what marbles are all about....youre first stop is with ron and brian.....i dont see how in a few months you can get everything about marbles...it takes years to truly understand what collectin marbles is all about....good luck
  8. i would bet that beri meant that mk is the only place that makes marbles for play.....ill ask her next time i see her...the show is a political show and her purpose on there was as a small business model...shes been active here in the wheeling area and has won numerous awards from the business sector...the questions were obviously slanted towards obamas side which that show is albeit in a comedic way...ill bet the producers coached her what to say and prob the reason she was on there was her stand on level the playin field...her product was way secondary but her opinion is right up there with the show...and what they preach
  9. no sweat!!!!...i live 6 miles from the plant and marble king gets lotsa writeups in the local paper....i post most of em....
  10. http://theintelligencer.net/page/content.detail/id/548756/Marble-King-Owner-To-Appear-on--Colbert-.html?nav=510
  11. i believe hes from somewhere in ohio...but you can put 2x2 together and see that hes in fla sellin marbles again...you can take it to the bank that hes the culprit in this endeavor no matter what some "well known" marble man told ya....hes has failed in all his ebay names...he runs smooth for awhile then bust his gut cheatin people...he useta come to my place buyin marbles and ive been to middlebourn so you can believe what i say....
  12. i ckd out his facebook page and hes got recent pics on there from fla....http://www.facebook.com/mike.rearic?v=wall#!/photo.php?fbid=1539763732605&set=a.1539763012587.2079891.1190275017&pid=31355046&id=1190275017....i still say southeren marbles is him
  13. dont believe that jeff....she will tell you mike had another problem...i saw that,too bubba and those auctions definatly had mikes style...
  14. nope...but west virginia marble collectors club has a nice newsletter that comes out several times a year...google wvmcc....
  15. ive added more stuff....some ending tonight...
  16. i see some good ones above the tape too....theyre more than cats
  17. ill be addin more... http://shop.ebay.com/duffytrash/m.html
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