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Everything posted by duffy

  1. true that ...... but spiteful things and bad karma is b.s. and retribution will be always at the tip of my finger..... loaded and ready....fwiw...placing a lol in a post when a middle finger salute more fits the situation, is a devious act and will be considered an act of aggresion...fair warning.......dont go out in the chicken coop and expect to not step in the chickens business...its a given its there.....if you dont want it stay out....
  2. i suppose common sense would not fall into anything....i haint gettin into a pissin contest with a skunk....but i guess it is easier to ship cullet and glass pieces than to just pour marbles in a box with no packing material and no forethought....but somewhere between here and there someones sweepin up lots of marbles....
  3. the method i described works best for shippin 2000+ marbles.....
  4. yeah ric...they are great in hand....theres not too many of em....
  5. after a job in paden city today i stopped by the gift shop and the proprieter found a bag of these...i bought half of em..they are truly awesome in hand...we dont know when they were made but im guessin 03....
  6. when you prepare to pack and ship large amounts of marbles the first thing you do is put the marbles in a medium size trash bag and spin the bag until the marbles are tight in the bag...tape the bag shut and cut off the bag not taped ....put the bag of marbles on the floor and flatten em out so they are shaped like a flat football...tape it over and over rotating the bag to keep the flatt football shape...tape it in the other direction....place in another trash bag and repeat....put the marbles in a new flat rate box and make sure the voids of the box is filled with some kind of packing so the bag does not shift in shipment....if you ship em loose in the box the box will break and you will lose most of your marbles....and will come to you lookin like this.......
  7. i found some little plastic bottles and they great in those little black trays ive got....i think ill sell em
  8. paul bunyon is lumberjack of american lore that had a blue ox...they were giants...
  9. its purty vintage,too ric...there was a 1974 sticker on one of em...they was pretty nasty lotsa mud, grit ,and grime on em...the holder is a record stand i got at a yard sale for a buck...its perfect for this application...itll be on my table at sistersville...
  10. http://www.wtov9.com/news/29051903/detail.html
  11. i think the ox means oxide...do you think it means oxblood?? maybe its the formula for oxblood dont know...maybe brian does..
  12. i did a kitchen floor this week in paden city...the neighbor put this out for the trash guys....i asked if i could have it...you bet!!
  13. big deal.....get some classes on how to act around adults then come back
  14. today i was paintin trim on a house...second story windows and shutters...about 1430 i was hangin on for dear life!!!! a 5.9 earthquake hit in washington d.c. area....we get tremors but nothin like this...it was somethin!! anybody else have the experience???
  15. buddy..... i think that was the name connected to pine grove wv and the other wv town in the same region....there was found to be some connection in the people ...they were all strudents of west liberty university of wv....
  16. buy what you like and what you can afford...if youre comfortable with payin big money on stuff youre not sure of youll quickly loose enthusiam for collecting marbles....when you buy something and worry about losin or makin money youre on the wrong track...to me marblin is all about the hunt and the deal....learn marbles and dont worry about what other people think...you will miss many good deals and get took on others...never buy marbles hopin youll get your money back..in other words marbles as an investment is always a bad idea...
  17. i use photobucket and its been the same for years....
  18. mon..... the young couple was ryan bachman and his girlfriend...i grew up with his dad and we was diggin partners for awhile...i think they got greedy and went to cambridge to dig there but i didnt go because work had begun in the spring.......i went diggin there a couple times with robbie from pa. they had got into trouble selling remakes as genuine and ryan had a torch outfit in his barn...were all the exotics 3/4??? i think thats all he could make...but anyway they got into trouble had to sell lots of othere properties to recoup the loss over this scam...does anyone remember the guinea scams from pine grove wv and a town up around weirton...i think these were all connected...
  19. dont fall into your makeup mirror ,galen but i agree with you...total waste of webspace.....
  20. ill go down ....ive got a good rope and block and tackle...
  21. hey ken what .....do you mean buyers with good credit....were you sponsered??how did they hear about you
  22. .....i dug there a couple times and only found cullet....but had a bunch of it...like a five gallon bucket.....
  23. today i was preppin at the 1860s national road house to put a new cellar entry in....these just popped right out...that #s 4 and 5 ive found from this jobsite and theve all been from the same era....
  24. i know you wasnt there....theres a few here who know ....and took part in the odd behavior those nights....and theres a few more who witnessed the actions of those people who acted strange those nights....i could name some people but if they wanna bring forth the real facts ....its on them....
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