shows are not what they used to be....many rooms are closed most of the time ...marbles that walk in off the street are ushered to select rooms and the deadbolt snapped....and the showrooms haint much different....the entry way and the areas near the exits are most coveted and guess who gets them???...surely not the person that signs up just sayin if youre in the back of the room, facin the opposite just might get missed....then again...the marbles that walk in off the street get side tracked and mobbed before they even get inside the hotel...not that big of a deal ,but ive lived it....the fairest show for settin up is sistersville....ive had the same spot for most of the years the show has been goin on...its free,too ...and marbles walk in all the time....i dont know what most shows charge but if its approaching 30$ thats alot .....i ran the show 2 years at parkersburgh and know the whims of collectors...a vendor once went thru 3 rooms before he accepted one then complained that noone wanted to help him get his stuff to the hard to make everybody not try to make yourself happy...