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Everything posted by duffy

  1. mine is a composit material..very smooth...i took the pin out years ago.....
  2. first time i heard that one...but they are the ones in the lipsticks so it makes sense...i would call em pee wee rainbos
  3. merry christmas from the snowy west bank of the ohio river
  4. http://www.ebay.com/dsc/rabbitransales/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=1&_rdc=1 since no feedback it might be hard to come up in some searches...suggest he puts marble alan in the title...that will help explain the zero rating...
  5. when we was diggin at st marys we dug many different brands there. lotsa pelts....some now im convinced that were akro patches.......i think that location is where the poly bag process was perfected.....
  6. http://www.ebay.com/itm/One-of-if-not-the-most-rare-marble-finds-ever-Popeye-mini-marbles-in-orig-box-/251192493837?pt=Marbles&hash=item3a7c3d470ddoes anyone know if his stolen goods were found???
  7. crackled peewees ......shabby chic.....
  8. he should call them what they are...that is misleading and not honest in my book...
  9. bang!!! drive by detected...nice marbles......
  10. thanks edna....i can answer anything and poor galen would think it would be about him....if he wants it to...so be it....see ya in s.ville edna!!!
  11. its all an attempt to get people that dont matter to get to act like they do...looks like it worked....i would think that people that sell things for a livin wouldnt care what any of us think......
  12. i googled houzsex .......some girl there likes me.....
  13. thanks edna!!!i looked at the red on this un and convinced myself they were sumptin else....the color of these are really vibrant and seem to float..the reds not oxblood...i dont think....i ckd it out and it matches vitro red imho....ive been sortin 5/8 jabo classics in my spare time and found a buch of marbles i fergot i even had.....obviously sometimes these eyes dont work too good.....
  14. are these pea families them....am i missin the white.....
  15. cant answer your query ,al but i know theres a room full of headers--boxes stacked industrial shelving full...you could give someone full time wages just workin on these....i dont know this guy but hes from the area ...when i get more time im goin down to the factory....hopefully before the marble fest...
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